bravespiritgirl's question

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hmm so what would happen if i may have angered a troll by destroying his bridge? and CAN YOU HELP ME!?!?!?! PLEASE!!!!!! CRAP HE IS NEARLY HERE PLEAS I TRIED SAYING SORRY!


Seto: Why don't you rebuild the bridge?

Brice: Wait why did you destroy it in the first place?

Seto: Maybe it was an accident.

Brice: Eh.

Seto: And if that doesn't work then you could always change your name and move away!

Brice: *laughs*

Seto: I'm being serious. There mean.

Brice: Good to know.

Seto: I hope I was able to help. Comment and vote you guys BAI!

Brice: BAI!

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