Part 16: Boys on Tour

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Author Note (also see end): Happy new year 2021 and massive apologies for the ultra long wait - hope you enjoy the next ~10,000 words! x 


The rest of the Everything Changes tour went off without a hitch during their European dates. The introduction of the B stage was popular with fans, and the lads had a lot of fun with it. It would definitely make a return. Two lads in particular, found they had A LOT of fun on stage, but mostly off. From stolen moments in the changing rooms and behind stage doors, to on stage during their own personal version of I Found Heaven – they found opportunities to continue their secret relationship. Albeit neither of them were prepared to call it that – a relationship; they were however, becoming a lot more adept (and in Gary's case – more at ease) at what they were doing. Pointed looks, the soft brush of skin as they passed one another, secret messages to arrange a quick rendezvous after a show – it was all beginning to work so well.

They had soon become more practised at the art of deceiving their band mates that it was almost like a game - sneaking around and seeing each other behind the other lad's backs. That didn't mean they revelled in the deception, but the purpose was a just one – it was all in order to find time to be one another; and each time they did, they found themselves going further in their exploration. Robbie slowly tested and retested the boundaries; and excitedly found Gary gave in just that little bit more to him each time; and thus also gave into his own want and new desires. The more they were together, the less consideration Gary gave to the ramifications of what they were doing or where it'd lead, he just figured he'd go along with it until he wasn't willing to go any further. However, exactly how far he'd be willing to go, was now anyone's guess. He knew where Robbie wanted to go the whole way of course, the young lad had got in the habit of dropping very large hints; and made it no secret what he precisely wanted to do to Gary; and have done to him in turn. Like when Robbie often had Gary pinned on his front up against the wall, Robbie would thrust his hard-on into Gary's rear – the intention was pretty clear. Sure Gary would tease and play into it a while, but always ended up halting proceedings. So maybe it was Robbie's way of not so gently encouraging Gary that he'd even taken to drawing crude cartoons of them doing all sorts of sexual deeds and then periodically posting them under Gary's hotel door. Gary was glad management gave them all their own rooms now; although he did notice the odd room-maid giving him funny looks from time to time. It was costing him loads in tips.

If truth be told, even Gary was curious. Kissing, groping, hand jobs, blow jobs – it was amazing, but sometimes he did wonder what it would feel like to be with Robbie properly. Not that he would instigate it, but the more they fooled around, the more 'stuff' they did – the more willing Gary felt he was becoming; and the more he allowed himself to consider exploring it further.

Not that he was going to tell Robbie any of that...yet.

That was until the beginning of April 1994, when their Number One hit Everything Changes, managed to score a second week at the top of the charts. To say Robbie was smugly lauding the achievement over them where ever and whenever he could, was an understatement. He ensured he mentioned it at least five times at every remaining European show, found every opportunity to remind the lads, and when it came to Gary – that was when the self-congratulatory smugness had really peaked...

"What's this?" Gary innocently asked one evening as Robbie handed him a scrunched-up piece of paper with Robbie's untidy scribbling all over it. They had the night free and Robbie had found Gary sitting in the lobby with their security guys. They were planning a night out in whatever city they were now in (neither of them could honestly recollect where exactly). With a self-satisfied smile, Robbie watched Gary peruse the crumpled paper littered with his messy scrawls.

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