Part 14: Give Me Just a Little More Time

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Robbie suspected Gary was in a mood. Maybe it was because he had silently rebuked him earlier in the day for being such a lousy liar, or maybe it was because he had pushed him out of the window that morning after their sexy rendezvous in the shower. Whatever the reason, Gary was firmly trying his best to have zero interaction with Robbie. The dark-haired youngster was honestly quite ok with that – he felt it best to avoid Gary for a bit anyway. That way he would avoid any awkwardness that may give the game away, but also the added effect of making Gary think he wasn't so bothered about what happened between them. And Robbie was sure THAT was a fail-proof way to ensuring Gary would want him more.

Problem was - two days had since passed, and Gary was still ignoring him. Of course, that meant Robbie was also stubbornly ignoring him back. That was very easy to do in person, but Robbie couldn't successfully ignore the 'Gary' that appeared in his own head. There he'd drift back to the night they spent with each other and replayed every sensual touch and sexual moan that Gary had gifted him. All it served was to make Robbie want it again. That and more besides. What he wouldn't give for that to happen. Just to get Gary on his own again would at least be a step in the right direction.  He knew, if it was just the two of them he'd get Gary on side again, and they'd both be up for fooling around again, he was sure of it. Robbie now knew Gary wanted it as much as he did, which was a relief, but annoyingly, the older blonde lad unfortunately had a better handle on fighting it. Still, Robbie was sure he could work his way around any obstacle but the issue now was getting an opportunity to do just that. They were still in London busy with rehearsals and meetings. Robbie found it all so bloody tedious if truth be told and frankly couldn't give a toss about it much - it was just boring to him. That said, he made good use of th time to instead daydream ways in which to corner Gary by himself. Alas none came true. The biggest obstacle being the other lads, and how they were all still sharing rooms. So with Robbie's chances dramatically reduced, it made him frustrated. Simply ignoring Gary was not an option anymore. He needed to play hard ball if he had a cat's chance in hell of things going the way he wanted...

"We've an interview to pre-record with Live and Kicking." Nigel told them one cold afternoon in January. They had just all piled back into the van after a quick stop, ready as they had thought, for going straight to a rehearsal space to practise for an upcoming music video recording.

"Actually, it's a more of a game", said Nicky – their new chaperone. Since their return to London, she now accompanied them for the most part of each day's schedule. "I was speaking to the security –" she continued, "we will be in and out so there shouldn't be any delays. Nobody will know you're even in the building." Without the young blonde lady seeing, Howard raised an eyebrow at her naivety, knowing there would definitely be a delay –  because their loving fans somehow ALWAYS found out where they would be.

"Be that as it may –" Nigel spoke up, "We had only a tight opening at the rehearsal space, so we won't make it now but no matter I'll just add on a bit of time to the production day" he said matter-of-factly.

That instantly caught the lad's attention. "Wait", Jason wanted to clarify, "Are you saying we won't be able to rehearse the number before filming?"

Across the bus, Robbie saw Mark's eyes widen with alarm at the prospect.

"It'll be fine – the vocals are recorded already and there's not a lot of dancing in this number anyway" Nigel told them – but with a tone that said 'that's an end to it' rather than a reassuring one.

Jason looked over to Gary, expecting some kind of rise, even a plea on the band's behalf. Except the blonde lad seemed too preoccupied with something else (Robbie could guess what). Instead he did not bat an eyelid to Nigel's proposal. Robbie noticed Jason looked annoyed by that but said nothing to the contrary. Gary had seemed preoccupied a lot recently. It made the other lads a little nervous and confused, but Robbie couldn't offer them reassurance or any explanation, after all it wasn't like he could tell them the truth behind where Gary's head was likely at.

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