Part 13: Everything Changes

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Gary looked at his screwed up shirt on the floor. The once-crisp white shirt had just joined his black bomber jacket balled up on the floor. "I didn't mean we needed to do this straightaway, Rob" he said half-laughing. But Robbie wasn't listening. They were alone in a small dingy service station hotel room on the M1. Gary had luckily procured it all to himself as the band made their journey to London back from the Christmas break.

They had an appointment with the record company at 8.30am the next day in London, so Nigel had them all picked up a day earlier than planned, all except Gary who had made the journey by car and arrived before everyone else (hence the room to himself). Robbie had been with the other lads in large taxi, and all had been less than enthusiastic about their holidays being unexpectedly cut short, well, all expect Robbie. The youngest band member was in raptures at the prospect of being able to get his hands on Gary a day earlier than expected! Since Gary's call on Christmas day, it had been all that had occupied his dirty mind the rest of the festive season. It was also the sole reason why as the Big Ben's chimed through the TV speakers to finally herald in the New Year; there had been a very cheeky grin plastered all over his face. It was 1994, and he was going to get laid.

He'd slept with plenty of girls of course, but this was different in more ways than one. He needed this because he was sure if he just did the deed with Gary, and got it all out of his system; then things could just get back to how they were before.

Back in the hotel room, these thoughts were still very much at the forefront of Robbie's mind. After Gary had arrived later than the rest of them on account of driving himself there, he'd secured a single room for himself, and now for Robbie too. It had taken all of five seconds after entering Gary's room that night for Robbie to have practically pounced on the older lad and begin his lustful attack. Gary was quickly overcome by the feeling of Robbie's lips on his neck, and so Robbie took full advantage to progress to what was promised. Robbie undressed the blonde as fast as he could while at the same time savouring the moment of feeling Gary on his lips. He's missed that.

Having practically ripped off Gary's plaid shirt as if in the midst of some feeding frenzy, Robbie clawed his hands across the pale bare chest in front of him. He wasn't exactly rough but still he took a moment to admire the red nail marks he left across Gary's flawless skin; before he rapidly moved on to the belt in Gary's jeans.

"Rob, slow down a minute yeah?"

Robbie ignored him, and tugged hungrily at the belt buckle.


It was the 'please' that stilled Robbie's fingers. The hint of mild desperation in Gary's gingerly soft tone told Robbie the band leader was still hesitating. Robbie knew he had to play to play it cool otherwise he risked Gary getting cold feet and changing his mind again; and THAT was the very last thing Robbie wanted. The dark haired youngster stopped attempting to unbuckle the belt and looked back up into Gary's eyes. He definitely saw hesitation in them, as clear as day. "It's ok Gaz, we'll go slow", he offered with a grin before his fingers sought Gary's buckle once more.

"So hold off on the jeans for a moment then, yeah?" Gary laughed nervously.

"Gaz- you're not getting cold feet are you?" Robbie never was one for leaving thoughts alone in his head.

"No..." Gary quickly replied, "I just, don't get why you need to take all MY clothes off first"

"Eh, because I want you naked for what we're going to do!" Robbie bluntly told him.

Gary's cheeks instantly flushed, but it was the dark glimmer that crossed his eyes which caught Robbie's attention. Robbie knew Gary was self-conscious about his body but it was ridiculous for him to feel shy since they'd basically seen each other naked loads of times in changing rooms, and not forgetting how famously nude they were on the 'Do What You Like' video set. Besides, as Robbie surveyed Gary's bare chest under the florescent lights of the cheap room, he actually couldn't help by admire how luminous his skin appeared – so pure and untouched (albeit for his own faint red finger marks). His searching eyes then fell on Gary's nipples - proud and pert (courtesy of the room's draughty window) and he suddenly had the urge to swirl his tongue around them. His mind immediately imagined Gary's reaction to him even risking a nibble on them and he chuckled to himself.

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