He's eating a leaf

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     "Alright everyone listen up!" Looking up from my everything bagel to where Solomon stood at the front of the mess hall, he had us all gather there for some reason, "Results for this past week are as follows," and that's why. Anxiously drumming my fingers on the table I waited for him to continue,

        "In first with all 10 points, we have Eila Howell on Star, Kian on Tiny is next with 9.5 points, Fabian on Thunder with 8 points, Leyla on Beau with 8.5, Hollie on Monty with 8.5 as well, Lin on Lilo with 7, Alec on Ginger with 6.5, Ellis on Royal with 6.5, Joe on Lucky with 6, Priya on Kiss with 5.5, Seth on Legend with 5,"
        Now I was getting anxious, it meant I was in the bottom ten, "Brian on Hamlet with 4.7, Florence on Gin with 4.5, Constance on Coda with 4, Kye on Glory with 3.5, Jacob on Indy with 3, Jonah on Moon y with 3, Danielle on Lady with 2.5, and finally, the last two, Beth on Prim with 2, and Carmen on Dia with 1," I sighed burying my head in my hands, I knew that the week hadn't been the greatest but apparently everyone else's week had been better.
        "For those of you who are at the bottom...that means you can only rise up, but it's up to you to make it happen. Now I will see you all in your lessons." As soon as he left I stood abrupt clearing the rest of my alfredo into the trash and putting the plate on the dish rack. Moving quickly I ignored the looks I was getting and exited the building. Hurrying to my dorm I quickly entered grabbing a pair of shorts, a tank top and sneakers. Changing I exited the dorm again with my phone in my head and wireless earphones in my ears. Scrolling through my Spotify I found the playlist I wanted and let it play before finding a trail behind the barns where I picked up my run.

        Since I had started running whenever I felt I needed to get out of my head I would go on a run, blasting music in my ears, not to mention it helped me keep in shape for riding. Running on the trail my arms and legs pumped, blood roaring through my ears as the songs to I Will Wait by Mumford and sons pounded through my ears,
Well I came home
Like a stone
And I fell heavy into your arms
These days of dust
Which we've known
Will blow away with this new sun
But I'll kneel down
Wait for now
And I'll kneel down
Know my ground
And I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you
So break my step
And relent
You forgave and I won't forget
Know what we've seen
And him with less
Now in some way
Shake the excess
'Cause I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you

    As the song eventually ended more songs played and eventually I checked the time stopping to walk for a bit my breath coming in gasps. Oh right, asthma, I thought sarcastically as I struggled to control my breathing. My phone said it was only 9 am, which meant I still had two hours till my next lesson, and I had only been running 20 minutes. Deciding it was time to turn back I turned around continuing to walk for another 5 minutes until my breathing was steady again and I picked up my pace again.

    Making it back I started to walk back to the dorm until someone grabbed my shoulder, shouting a loud "Holy Crap!" I spun around and lost my balance falling straight on my butt. Groaning, I wiped off my hands, pulling my earphones out of my ears to find Leo smiling sheepishly down at me before offering me his hand,

    "Sorry about that," Rolling my eyes I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. Trying to ignore the fact that I was currently drenched in sweat I raised an eyebrow at him,

    "You couldn't just say my name?" Leo gave me a blank look,

    "I did...five times," well...oops? I smiled sheepishly at him this time,

    "Uh, well, I had headphones in,"

    "No shi-"

    "No swear words!" I quickly interrupted slamming my hand over his mouth. Rolling his eyes Leo grabbed my hand with his own, pulling it off his face,

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