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"Alright, now that you all have your horses let me explain what it's going to look like for the next three months," Solomon starts, "you will be broken into four groups. Group A, Group B, Group C, and Group D. Group A will have lessons at 8 am, 1 pm and 4 pm. Group B will have lessons at 9 am, 12:30, and 2:30 pm. Group C will be at 10 am, 1:30 pm, and 5 pm. Group D has a more stretched out schedule due to most of group D, which has already been selected, have more problematic or younger horses, they will be at 7 am, 11 am, and 6 pm," Well I knew now what group I was in, "So Group D this means you will be expected to work with your horse just a bit more than Groups A, B, and C. During the times when you don't have lessons you will either be working with your horse, helping at the stable, eating or sleeping, etcetera. Yes, you all will have free time but I need you all to remember you are here to work not have a 'fun vaca'" I snort as Solomon did a high pitched voice for the last part making air quotations,

"Each group's time slot varies, as it is I will decide during the lesson how long the lesson will be. Since lessons aren't as timed apart as we had hoped to do you will most likely be in different arenas or with a different trainer depending on how long your lesson goes. And finally, we will have a show every two weeks, so at least two a month. I or one of the other trainers will be speaking to you about which classes you are to be entered in. Now I know it has been a rather long day for all of you so one last thing then I'll let you all head back to your dorms. I have a select group of riders that are already students here that will be helping out during lessons. You would be wise to listen to them. The group lists will be posted outside the arena in 5 minutes. Now get out of here!" Pushing off of where I was leaning on the rail I made my way over to Alec and Jacob,

"You're alive!" Alec trills throwing an arm over my shoulders,

I roll my eyes, "I'm pretty sure if I was dead Solomon would've been busy filling out a lot of paperwork, so yes I'm alive,"

"So where's your horse? Is she ok?" Jacob pipes up joining the conversation,

I nod, "Yeah, Solomon just didn't want me to bring her back in as there's a mare that apparently she has a history of acting up with, also she's a problematic horse so I'll be in lesson B!" I add,

"Yikes, I don't know yet if Indy's problematic,"

Alec grimaces, "Add me onto that list with Ginger," I looked around Alec at his mare who was walking along calmly occasionally lipping Alec's t-shirt,

I giggle as I saw her ears and eyes flick over to me as if to say, 'Me? Trouble? never.' "Alec I think you're safe,"

Disentangling myself from underneath Alec's arm I started walking towards Prims stall,

"I'm gonna check on Prim, catch up with you guys later," Jogging down the aisle I peeked into her stall to find her peacefully dozing near her hay in the corner.

"Why can't you be this docile all the time?" I murmur resting my arms on her stall door.

"She looks so innocent asleep, like she didn't jump a 4 foot fence half an hour ago," I jump and turned around to see the same rider from earlier walk up without his helmet and his black horse not with him this time. He grinned, "I forgot to introduce myself earlier, I'm Leo Price," I quirk an eyebrow,

"Couldn't have said that earlier?" he chuckles at my question,

"Yeah, but I knew Sully would probably hunt me down anyways, besides it's more fun when he hunts me down," I roll my eyes at this, boys.

"Is she the horse that was assigned to you today?" he asks resting his arms next to mine on the stall door,

"Yep," I reply popping the p, "Also the first horse I've ever met that tried to take a bite out of me when we met,"

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