The Weirdo Bros

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"BETHHH" I looked up from the book I was currently reading as I ate breakfast to see Alec come flying towards me once again with Jacob on his tail. I sighed closing the book, which happened to be a book on massaging for horses, and rolled my eyes as Alec crouched behind me. Ignoring the fact that he was begging me to hide him I focused on eating my fruit salad and chocolate donut.

"Beth please help me!" Alec whimpered again as Jacob finally made it to my table in the corner of the room by a window.

"He's behind me, stop interrupting my breakfast," I scolded them both, "Jacob stop scaring Alec, and Alec stop making Jacob mad," Finally Alec left his hiding spot,

"I'll buy you another donut?" He offered, I rolled my eyes. It was always about the donuts with these two.

"Perfect there you guys are!" I looked to my right as Lin came up to us obviously dressed to go out in a pair of white shorts, a light blue halter top and sandals, "As you know we don't have our midday lessons today so let's go into town! I already got a car from the school and everything so go change and meet here in 30 minutes!" I gaped at her as she caught sight of my sweats, obviously the 'go get changed' part of her little order was for me.
Before giving us anytime to argue she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my seat. Barely having time I shoved my book into my messenger bag, slung it over my shoulder and grabbed the donut as I shot the boys a look that clearly said 'help me!'
Eating my donut as Lin practically dragged me to our dorm she sat me on my bed and started ruffling through my dresser and closet clearly looking for an outfit up to her standards.

"Ok, here we go, put this on," She tossed me a pair of distressed denim shorts, a green tank top and my black and white converse which nearly clobbered me in the head before I caught them. Shoving me off the bed she pushed me into the bathroom shutting the door after she did. Sighing I changed. Luckily Lin definitely knew fashion. Letting my hair down from its messy bun I pulled on my converse and exited the bathroom sending a longing look to where I tossed my sweats into the hamper by my bed on the way out.

"Oh my gosh! I need to dress you up more often" I snickered at Lin who looked like a proud parent.

"Whatever, anyways promise we'll go to the bookstore and Dover saddlery store Solomon said was in town?" I asked, because really I was down to go as long as we went there,

"Yeah, yeah sure now let's go. Oh also wear these!" She chirped, tossing me my aviators which honestly I was already gonna wear. Grabbing my Messenger bag from where it lay on my bed I made sure I had my wallet, Drivers license and phone before following her out the door.
Pushing my aviators onto my head as we arrived at where Lin had said the car was, I leaned against the hood waiting for the boys and checked my old barns facebook page. I smiled softly at the picture at the top. It was a picture of my friends Sierra, and Chloe on three lesson horses, Tiger, Cherokee, and of course Jupiter, a bay arabian gelding that I had been riding for years. It was a sunset picture so you couldn't really see our faces but our trainer Luana had caught it at the end of my last show on Jupiter and with the barn.

Scrolling down I saw a few new posts and grinned widely as I saw a picture of Lily on the back of Jupiter. Keeping her promise Mom had enrolled Lily officially into the Lesson program before I had left and I had asked Luana to put her on Jupiter because there was no horse I trusted more then him to teach my little sister, while yes he was an advanced horse Jupiter was also a lesson horse that knew what level you were and he would be the perfect beginner horse for beginners. I grinned even more when I saw the caption attached to the picture,

'I'm so happy to be teaching Lily on Jupe, they work together so well even though Jupe misses his previous rider, Beth Palmer, Lily's older sister. We miss you Beth and hope you are rocking their world at Stride away!' I placed a hand over my mouth as a silent tear made its way down my face.
Quickly wiping it away I continued to scroll through the page. More pictures of the lesson horses, I laughed as I saw Sierra on Cherokee, laughing like the crazy person she was with Cherokee sticking his tongue out at the camera. While Chloe sat on Tiger face palming as Tiger seemed to be going to eat the phone which had taken the picture.
Closing Facebook I went into my text messages and opened our group chat.
Beth: Long time no talk you guys

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