Chapter 18 - Food

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Ellinor's POV

The restaurant was in a very old building with dimmed lights and quiet, acoustic music through a few speakers. A waiter led us up a small stair and showed us to a small, round table just by the edge of the second floor, so we had a view of the rest of the small restaurant and into the kitchen where a man was spinning a pizza on his hand in the air.

''Oh look! They have burgers!'' Niall exclaimed happily and I turned my attention from the pizza-maker to him. I hadn't noticed the menus on the table in front of me until then. I read through the pizzas, the burgers, the different options of meat and everything else on the menu. I heard Niall groan silently, as if something was bothering him. I lifted my gaze to him again and he met my eyes.

''The steak sounds so delicious.'' He pouted. ''But I want a burger.'' Just then, the server walked past out table with two plates, aiming for a table beside Niall. He gasped when he saw the steaming hot pizzas and turned slightly so he saw how the cheese followed the slice when the woman lifted it to take a bite. ''Nope, I'm having a pizza.'' Niall said, determined. I laughed at him and shook my head. He said I had a hard time choosing. He was much worse when it came to food.

I tried picking between a dish with pasta and a pizza but I couldn't decide.

''I don't know if I'd like a pizza or...'' but I was interrupted by Niall.

''Or do I want a steak?''

He was leaning his chin at the palm of his hand and looked like he was having a really hard time. ''Sorry, what were you saying?'' He asked fast, not realising I had been talking until then. He was thinking hard, so I didn't care really.

''Just that I can't decide either.'' I told him and shrugged.

''Well, we'll just do it as I usually do then.'' He said and waved to the waiter who was there in two seconds. ''Can we have one number 5, one number 32, one number 35 and... Yeah, number 40 as well.'' He said and gave him his menu. He had ordered four different dishes, just because we couldn't decide. I stared at him. I wouldn't be able to eat that much. I didn't believe he had listened to me when I said what I couldn't decide between, but apparently he had. He shrugged. ''Easiest way to do it.'' He said simply when his phone rang. ''Shit, sorry.'' He said and picked it up, sighing.

''Yes? No, we're outside of town. Sure. No we won't, we just ordered the food! I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?'' He looked at me and rolled his eyes as he talked. I smiled, showing that I didn't really care. He winked at me and I had to control my blushing as he tried hanging up. ''Yes, thank you. Thank you, bye Harry. Bye.'' He said and put his phone on the table with the screen facing up with another sigh.

''He wanted us at an after party or something. Stubborn, he is.'' Niall laughed a little and looked at me. His expression changed when he realised I wasn't looking at him at all. My eyes were on his phone that still was lighting up the table. He gasped and covered the screen with his hand fast as he locked the phone.

''Was that... me?'' I asked. I could've sworn that the person on his wallpaper had the exact same hairstyle and shirt as me. Niall bit his lip rather harshly and didn't look at me for a second. He slowly lifted his phone, turned it so it was in my direction instead and pressed the button once.

''Please don't think I'm crazy.'' He whispered. I looked at the picture of me that was taken from the far side. You couldn't really see my face on it, but it was me. Definitely. I was about to cry.

''No, no I don't!'' I quickly said and grabbed his phone to see the picture again. I laughed. ''I've had you as my wallpaper so many times and the day you have me on yours, I have a quote from a song.'' I said and pulled my phone out of my bag and showed it to him. He smiled relieved, maybe because I didn't think it was weird of him.

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