Chapter 23 - Falling For You

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Niall's POV

''Why can't you just give me a clue? I need to know how to dress!'' Ellinor complained and threw another shirt on her bed.

I shook my head no from where I sat leaned back on top of her bed with my back against the wall. I was dressed in a pair of black jeans and a white button-up shirt whose sleeves I had rolled up above my elbows. Ellinor had her last day of school before Christmas and I had told her that we were going to celebrate that.

''Can't you just wear what you wore earlier today? I liked that.'' I told her. We weren't stressed, not at all, and I was amused by how she could put on a shirt, look at it for ten seconds straight, and take it off with a groan of frustration. Also, at a few times she had changed shirts without leaving the room entirely. I'm not saying I stared at her because I really tried being a gentleman and look away, but maybe my heart skipped a beat or two.

''This?'' She asked instead of considering what I just proposed. She had a pair of black tight pants that I believed she had decided for and a neon pink tank top to that. It was very similar to the outfit she wore when she and Leah came backstage the day after I first had seen her. I remembered that day like it was a week ago and how surprised I was by her standing in the doorway that day, blushing like crazy.

''That's great, but I know I have said that about everything already.'' I said and smiled at her fondly, still thinking about when I noticed her first. She laughed at that and looked in the mirror again. Over her shoulder she noticed I was still looking at her and our eyes met in the mirror.

''What are you thinking of?'' She asked and kept trying to decide if she was okay with wearing that.

''Do you remember when we first met?'' I asked and she looked at me again in the mirror.

''When I was crying like an ugly baby because you sang 'Little Things' or the next day when I walked into your dressing room when you were shirtless?'' She asked and smirked. I shook my head smiling. I had forgot that I had been shirtless but apparently she hadn't. Ellinor sighed again. "Can I wear this? For real?"

''Yes. You look perfect.''


''You know, I really start to hate surprises.'' Ellinor said grumpily in the seat next to me when I drove towards our destination. A black car behind us looked suspicious and I had just got the thought of it being a paparazzi when she started complaining again. It really bothered her not knowing where we were going.

''And why is that?'' I asked, glancing in the mirror every other second. I was used to paps but I didn't like them to be next to me in traffic while I drove. I also didn't like them to be close to Ellinor because everything had to be perfect and I didn't want her to get stressed before I knew anything for sure.

''Like when Leah got backstage-tickets, she didn't tell me where we were going until we were on our way there. I realised what was happening the same second you did!'' She explained. We had mentioned the days we met many times now.

''Yeah, Zayn didn't tell me anything either.'' I said. ''Though, you can't say you hate surprises and then bring that up as an example. We wouldn't have met else.''

The car behind us turned after a red-light and I relaxed again.

''I'm not saying the surprise was bad! She could've told me, that's all.''

''But it turned out good, yeah?''

There was a pause and I had to take my eyes off the road to look at her. She smiled and nodded. ''Yeah, it did.''

Somebody To Love (Niall Horan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora