E Im Writing For The VIEWS

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you can ask me to write a book for other ships if you like my writing, no minors tho!

I don't really know how people like dream and techno to be written as so ill just be writing them as I see their game personas!

I won't be writing smut bc I'm holy child, but like I guess some gore, blood, angst in the slightest degree.

I don't like writing abt serious topics but there will be some bc that's just easy to write for me bc I know a lot about it, not from first hand but friends and story's online.

I guess ima make rules.

1.No Minor Ships

2.I'm holy child so yeah

3.I drew the cover art so you can also ask me to draw stuff but I draw better on paper if you're ok with that, I can still draw on my device tho!

4.Ill do my research on these people I write about, but I watch a lot of techno and I know some about dream bc I've read lots of different fabric and ship fabrics about all the characters to see some stuff about it.

5. Ima not make techno spoiled in this one, in his videos he's more like, doing stuff for himself and I think he wouldn't want to be a king bc ANARCHY DGGJHGFDTG NO GOVERNMENT POG

6. I have alot of time to do stuff I just get bored easily so ill keep checking my comments

7. Might be a slow story, depends on how much my brain will work

8. Ill include lots of like characters hopefully and make fan art if you want, though I'm guessing this'll get little to no views

9.ill take the writing seriously but I'm just fishing for crusaders

10. I just wanted an even number ill post first chapter today, criticize all you want I'm still learning to be a good writer and artist!

Btw im rewriting the story bc I didn't like it. So yeahhh

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