Chapter 2

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Lol ok I just went over last chapter and corrected spelling ECT. Sorry I forgot to and when I don't I just write too fast and multiply words ECT. Ok now I shalt write because yummy writing?

        The halls were surprisingly empty, you could hear Techno's steps echo as he walked through them. Besides from that it was incredibly silent, apart from when he actually got close to where his father perched. The throne room, as always, very classy, very busy. Now, yes techno loved his father but he was a total downer, bossy to his servants, a total ruler too. And sure, the orphans killed his real parents but these were the ones who had raised him, he was forever great ful and owed them. Also yes he did kill those nerds. Aka the orphans. So, he knocked on the door and a guard let him in. He was guessing his mother was asleep still, seeing as her thrown was empty. Or she was visiting other kings or queens. "Son," he sounded worried maybe a bit hesitant, bossy too. "I see you've been acting weird lately, always out and about, dismissing the servants and all that." The king adjusted his sitting on the huge, gold chair. "I know you aren't trying to be a gentleman to the lady's?" Techno cringed at that. Seeing as he didn't like the plain firework Tony gave him, and according to tommy hated woman because of it. (I'm sorry if you don't get some references) the king knew the answer, seeing his sons messed up expression. "yes, I know you weren't. Still I wish you were. Youre doing all the jobs a lovely partner could instead of training or studying. And of course I'm not saying that your partner would only be used so. But, I can't help to worry," the king put his hand to his chin, "the queen set out today to make offers with other kingdoms to get some of the princes and princess together for you to talk to and observe. You can take it slow, keep your anxiety on check." Multiple thoughts were going throughout Techno's head, his mind, some of the voices getting angry or sad at the thought of human contact. Some were getting even more sick to their stomachs about being a prince. Part of the government. Sure, he didn't care for people as much as he thought the government did. But he didn't want to make decisions for the worthless and control them. And this, this just made it worse. There was many cons to being royal, sure youre rich but with Techno's skills he could be an assassin. He lost concentration. His father had ended the small family meeting and dismissed him. Techno had no clue what he said after he zoned out, nor did he care. Honestly he was a bit angry, not hurt, he had his feeling in check. He wasnt emotional or sensitive, like c'mon. But, he still made rash decisions. He was ready to go, he had to get ready though. In a week or two. Nothing can get in his way. He'll miss his father but he never believed in relationships, sure Phil was a close friend who hasn't betrayed him. But everyone else only used him probably. He was only set on the value he had to other people if they were the same to him. Beneficial with no attachment.

Yummy words, I think I did pretty good, not expert level tho. Yummy chapter yes yes next will be a diff POV I guess ): don't wanna get boring.

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