Chapter I

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Hola ninos

Third person POV probably

The day started as usual, techno woke up, he got out of bed, it was early. The sun was just rising over the mountain snow and wild animals in the forests nearby. When he was little he used to train by, fighting squirrels. Closest thing to a child when he was younger, maybe a racoon. (Cough cough tommy) Anyway, back to techno getting ready or sum. The pinkette (idk what colour his hair should be ok, ima just do this one) It was, shoulder high, a bit longer maybe. Frizzy, since he just got out of bed. It was in a ponytail, bc like basic hygiene so that greasy ass hair won't make his face get pimples. He got dressed, yknow with that classy shit. Plain button up shirt, black skinny jeans, (he got no cake y'all don't worry) Oh, and the cape of course, very yummy. We all know it was crimson red so, and of course them knee high boots, looking like a lesbian. And, now he was on his way, normal routine right? Wrong. But not like y'all are gonna know yet. Gotta keep y'all here so I get more views. Back to story. Well, at first it was normal. Right when he got out of the door, his maid was there. Of course she was excused, why might you ask? WELL first off read book description. Jk jk, but in reality techno kinda hated people doing things for him. 1 his social anxiety was just blaring off sirens, like people might think him weak for having others do such simple tasks for him. 2 shawty an independent man y know, like being the best fighter in the land, but not knowing how to do laundry. So stereotypical. Its like those tales, the big man strong but dumb. Then he falls for a woman, who is smarter and sassy ECT. Blah blah romance ew. Yeah, techno didn't like these storys. He'd rather study mobs, read some actually good fantasy books, maybe some English books. Well, back to the maid. She ran off at Techno's word. He then, walked to the castle kitchen. He still remembers the look on the servants faces when he started trying, and I mean TRYING, to cook for himself. I mean, sure he didn't care FOR his servants, they're peasants anyway, who likes poor people? But I mean, some may have thought that since he was doing things for them, he actually cared for them. Why would techno pity the poor, he'd rather cause chaos, kill a few, or at least the voices wanted that. Well, of course techno just grabbed some iced tea, a baked potato with it. One of the servants who thought he cared for them walked over to him. "THE BLADE" ew a child. Techno revolted children, as usual. But one of his actual friends liked this one. "What do you want tommy?" in his usual monotone voice, matching perfectly to his simple expressional face. "WELL" Tommy stopped in front of him hands on his hips, trying to look confident and like a 'man'. "LETS FIGHT, DUEL, I'M BORED. Wilbur is out doing his job as MaYoR and I'm bored as hell. Tubbo is being clingy again AND he sucks at fighting!" Techno looked behind tommy to see the racoon hand on the bee child's wrist. Yes, Tubbo is totally clingy. The voices started mocking the children, mainly tommy. "Very well tommy. After I see my father. Also, how did you get in here??" tommy thought for a second, laughed obnoxiously and yelled "RACOON MAN NEVER TELLS HIS SECRETS YOU AMERICAN" And quickly ran to the training area, with Tubbo being dragged away, stumbling after tommy.

Yummy chapter, should I actually be serious and not add my jokes or is that fine-

What do you think voices?

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