Saved Chance

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This idea is by @sunkyungrr but I was too lazy to write it till now. sorry.


"Dude, we should totally prank Katie!" Travis said while they were planning their next prank victims.

"No. Katie is my best friend. It would be like pranking you. Not cool dude." Connor responded.

"But she's so easy dude," Travis pleaded. "She won't even know what hit her."


"Fine then." Travis said while Connor crawled his way out of their "secret lair" (It was just the space under the Hermes table).

"Oh, and by the way," Connor added before going out into the sun, "I'm not actually her friend. I just know you like her and I don't want you to mess up your chance."


I know this is different, but eh? I mean, I've written worse.

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