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Katie loved going deep in the forest. The nymphs showed her a secret spot where there was a pond with beautiful orange fish swimming around it, mossy rocks which are perfect to sit on, and a large willow tree with long branches hanging close to the ground. Katie loved it here. It was a place where she could be alone and think. She often brought a sketchpad or a book. It was here where Travis first fell in love with her.

Travis found great enjoyment in playing pranks on Katie. One day, he followed her into the woods. It was a long walk, but she finally sat down. She began reading and the nymphs came up behind her and peeked over her shoulder. Most people got irritated at the nymphs for this behavior, but not Katie.

She started reading out loud to them. Many nymphs, old and young, came to sit and listen. Travis stared at the scene in front of him.

Katie was a kind, gentle, and caring demigod. Travis decided that maybe it was time to stop picking on her and time to get to know her better as friends, or even something more...

Ok wow. This is my Tratie book. Yeah. Hope you enjoy!

If you have any ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments.

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