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btw, they are 23 rn.


"Katie, I'm going to get breakfast. Want anything?" Travis asked from the front door on his way out. Don't tell her, but he almost forgot about Katie. Funny how you can forget someone you have been stuck with for years.

"Uh sure. An everything bagel with butter."

"First of all, butter!? Who eats a bagel with butter? You're supposed to have cream cheese. And an everything bagel? Ew, seeds."

"Have you learned nothing about me the 5 years we have been dating each other?! Plus, this Demeter kid loves her seeds." Katie finished.

"How did I ever fall in love with you?" Travis said, and immediately regretted it. He did not want to die at the ripe age of 23.

"Travis Stoll I swear I'm going to kill-" But Travis was already out the door by then. In the meantime, Katie had an evil prank to set up.

Er, sorry for not updating. Been busy. Need ideas. Ya know, the usual.

If you have any ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments.

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