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SO WE HAD a little accident this morning. Miss.Mizuki didn't have enough meds to last through the rest of training camp, so I had to comfort her through her rough mood swings.

Real hot girl shit , you know.

"Sissy imma be back, I'm gonna tell coach Ukai what happened and then see if someone can drop off the meds sometime today" I said to my sister who was wrapped up in a blanket hugging her stuffed elephant she had named Eli.

"Okay" She mumbled spacing out

Normally I would be kinda hard on her about checking the right amount but it wasn't her fault, it was our parents who decided they wanted to pack our bags for us during the trip. So I have them to thank for Zuki's episode this morning.

I made it to the gym and found the boys warming up. "Where the fuck is he?" I mumbled looking for Coach Ukai.

As I scanned the gym I finally spotted him on the sidelines

Finally I saw him on the sidelines run up to him. "Hey Coach can i talk to you?" I asked trying to be subtle about it

He looked at me confused but nodded walking away from the court, "What's up Himari" he asked

Damn, really put me on the spot I barley had time to rehearse my lines. "Sooo
basically Zuki has to take medication everyday to help her mood, annd she's out of them right now" I explained, "Our parents packed our bags for us so we didn't know there wasn't enough" I said quickly

I felt like Busta Rhymes

"Where is she now?" He asked

"In our room laying down. She was kinda spaced out, rolled up in a ball before I left." sorry for telling your business sissy but its for a good cause.

"I'm sorry to hear that, I'll try to get someone to get her the medication. Until then tell her dont worry about it and she can come help when she feels okay too" He said concerned for zuki

"Thank you Coach" I smiled

"Of course, you're a good sister Himari" He pats my shoulder winking at me.

OOOO SHIITTT I would be doing a happy dance if I wasn't in front of all of these people but we'll just play it cool.

"Alright, time to tell Massa flex zuki" I sang as I walked to the exit of the gym but Noya come up to me ending my hope moment

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