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"I KNOW KNOW WHAT TO WEAR" Zuki yelled running around our room like a mad woman. She has been freaking out like this for the past 25 minutes.

"MIZUKI WOULD YOU PLEASE" I yelled at my sister looking at her from my vanity, "What the actual fuck is wrong with you?"

"Sissyyy" Zuki whined, "the party starts in almost an hour and I don't even know what to wear!" she said throwing her hands up

This girl man. I don't know why she's stressing herself out so much about it when the boys are probably gonna show up in joggers and a sweatshirt. We'll be lucky if they even put jeans on

"Zuki, you are thinking TOO much about this" I tried to explain to my sister

She groaned, "That's easy for you to say because you're already dressed!"

I rolled my eyes at my dramatic sister turning back around to face myself in the mirror, "go in your closet and try again" I told her calmly so I did pop a blood vessel

My outfit was simple, I wore a cherry red Juicy Couture tracksuit, minus the jacket though because I got a hot flash when I had it on earlier, and a red tank top

My vibes for tonight were cute but comfortable. I left my hair down and put on lashes, gloss, and a tiny bit of highlight in the corner of my eyes. As I was finishing my sister had finally gotten dressed, she walked out wearing light denim Miss Me jeans, and a cropped graphic tee that said honey in bedazzled letters. It was a cute fit, honestly

"Is this too much?" Zuki asked looking at herself in our full-body mirror

"Nah you look good Zukipoo" I reassured my sister as she nodded walking over to her vanity

Time was slowly ticking down to the parting starting. We had exactly an hour left so I helped Zuki put her hair in a half-up-half-down style as she put on lashes and gloss like I did.

"Did you roll up?" She asked me causing me to look offended at her. "Of course I did, who do think I am?" I asked scoffing at her

"Bitch I was just making sure" Zuki rolled her eyes

As the two of us had our sisterly bicker the doorbell rang making us look at each other in confusion. "The party doesn't for 45 minutes," I said looking through our window to see it was only Tanaka.

"The hell?" I mumbled leaving our room

"What?" Zuki questioned whilst following me downstairs

I picked up Hades so he wouldn't get scared and Zuki did the same with Apollo watching behind me. Opening the door there stood Tanaka, bald-headed and all.

"You do know you're like half an hour early, right?" I said glancing at what he was holding

"Um yeah I know" He chuckled bashfully, "but I got you this..so uh here" Tanaka smiled shyly handing me a present

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