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IT WAS THE LAST DAY at training camp and the boys were having a MELTDOWN.

"ZUKI DONT LEAVE ME" Oikawa whined hugging me, "please please please"

"GET OFF HER YOU FLAT BITCH" Bokuto yelled pulling him off of me to hug me

"SHE'S MINE" Noya tackled Bokuto off of me

"ENOUGH" Diachi yelled at the boys who were acting like toddlers arguing their favorite toy.

"Great you made the hulk mad" Tuski complained getting on the bus not interested in what was happening.

I was slightly amused about how they were acting, but quickly got bored of it. As they yelled I went to were Himari was with her "boyfriend" with the tongue ring.

"Damn, it sucks we wont see eachother for a while" Terushima said to my sister, "I'm gonna miss you"

"You have my number you can always text me" My sister flirted with him

I started to do my evil smile seeing Tanaka get mad from a distance but didn't say anything.


"Coming sirrr" I said taking Himari's hand pulling her away from Terushima to stand in the front where Coach was.

Everyone else followed and started to get back on the bus. "Same seating chart as last time" Diachi said sitting in the front

"Ughh noo" I whined, "Diachi can I sit with you pleaseee"

"Sorry love, but no" He shook his head.

No isnt really in my vocabulary specifically being told no so I started to tear up.

"Diachi you hate me dont you" I asked pouting

"Come on sister sister" Himari patted my shoulder, "It'll be okay"

"I dont hate you, its just easier to take attendance okay?" Diachi gave me a smile but i still pouted all the way to the back.

"You act like sitting next to me is a bad thing" Noya said slightly offended

"Hush" I mumbled still upset sitting next to him on the inside near the window

"Everyone on?" Couch Ukai asked

"YEAH" The boys answered in unison

"Unfortunately" I rolled my eyes

Noya out his arm over my shoulder pulling me closer. I fake gagged but let it be pulling out my switch from my backpack turning on Minecraft.

"Soo Zuki" He said grabbing a strand of my hair twirling it with his fingers, "when are you-"

I cut him off by moving my body away from him and closer to the window, "don't touch me"

Noya groans rolling his eyes, "We were fine until you met Oikawa, do you actually like him?" he asked looking at me.

I could tell he was actually being serious and I didn't know how to respond. Like yeah Oikawa is hot but I don't really know if I like him like that. Plus he's basically a celebrity, I rather him be obsessed with me than the other way around

"No" was the only thing I said which by the look of Noya's face, didn't satisfy him.

"Just tell the truth zuki" He pleaded well looking like he's about to brace himself for the worst heart break of his life.

Sighing I put my switch down on my lap and looked at him, "No Nish, I dont like him like that. He has to many fan girls and I'm not tryna lose my life because of a crippled volleyball player"

I mean I wasn't lying to him..just left out the part where I thought Oikawa was attractive.

He chuckled at what I said and nodded, "Alright, so im still in the running?"

"Ummm" I danced around the question

"Come onnnn" Noya whined pulling me into his chest, "you know you're gonna fall for me sometime soon"

"Grossss" I said with a disgusted face letting him hold me still

"Shut up" Noya hushed me

"Rude" I mumbled picking my switch back up to play. He finally let me go so we could get his switch out from his backpack to play Mario Kart




"HINATA" I yelled giving him a death glare.

The red headed boy immediately shut up apologizing.

"Why are you singing girl scout songs" Mizuki asked from the back

"No seriously" I agreed rubbing my temples from his speaky voice echoing on the bus.

"Im sorryyyy" He apologized again

"Not good with the ladies are you?" Kageyama snickered at him

"S-Shut up!" Hinta stuttered getting flustered.

Diachi sighed heavily, "Be nice to eachother"

"Papichi are we there yet?" Mizuki asked making me choke on the water I was drinking.


"Wanna choke on something else?" Tanaka smirked looking back from the seat in front of me

"Im gonna punch you in the throat" I glared at him

"We have two hours left, angel" Diachi replied to my sister

Hearing a squeek from the back knowing it was Zuki fan girling she responded, "Okaay"

I was bored of staying awake I took two melatonin gummies from my bag and got comfortable— well that was until Tuskishima wanted to speak.

"Is sleep the only thing you do?" He asked fixing his glasses.

"Is being built like a street light the only thing you do?" I asked back turning my body to the window closing my eyes not wanting to hear him.

"You can put your head on my shoulder instead of the dirty window"

I slowly looked over at him making sure he wasn't trying to catch me in 4k. Sighing I turned my body back over resting my head on his arm before falling asleep.

He's so hot and cold

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