The Longing

566 47 37

'True, I talk of dreams,
Which are children of an idle brain'

The  Ducati Red drove up the drive way of Tul's apartment complex.
"Thanks," Tul smiled, hoping off while unbuckling his helmet.
"My pleasure."
"Can you work today? I kept you awake all night."
"Did you hear me complain?"
"No," Tul smiled. "You'd better hurry, the sun is rising."
"You're blinding enough," Max said, giving his most charming grin.
Max laughed, securing the helmet and jacket he took from Tul.
"Ok, I'm off."
"Drive safe."
"Try to get some sleep before office."
"Yes, mom."
"See ya."


"How's your Mae?"
The handsome 40 year old man asked Tul.
"Hanging there."
"It's been a while since I visit her."
"It's been a while since anyone visited."
"I guess I deserved that."
"No, not really," Tul sighed, "she's not your responsibility, anyways."
They both know whose responsibility it was.
But it was almost fruitless to discuss it.
"When are you going back to see her?"
"That's what I want to ask. When can I?"
Tul was having lunch with his Uncle Sek, also the Group Managing Director of Pakorn Inc.
At 65, his own father preferred the helicopter view of Chairman.
"You can always visit her, you know. Any time you wish, you're not a prisoner here."
"Sure feels like it sometimes," Tul mumbled. "I'm not really doing much anyways."
Sek smiled at how Tul was relaxed enough to act like a teenage recalcitrant in front of him.
Something Tul will definitely not do in front of his own father.
"You will in time," Sek said encouragingly.
"It's not right, especially not for you," Tul protested.
"Don't mind me," Sek smiled into his food, "I'm ok."
"Well, I'm not," Tul said adamantly, "and if I have my way, I'll change everything legally as how it should be."
Sek put his utensils down to look at his handsome nephew.
Now so much on his way to becoming a man.
Far removed from the naughty mud covered kid he remembered in Bhutan.
"You're a good kid, Tul. Your Mae raised you well."
"Well, good kids often lose."
"So says the guy who owns the Chinese border," Sek grinned, shaking his head.
"We can't take our wealth to the grave," Tul rebutted.
"True that."

And they continued with their food before Tul spoke again.
"Do you all really need me here?"
"Yes we do."
"For what exactly?"
"To take over what is yours."
"This is a Pakorn family empire, not my father's alone. So legally, as his brother, the right for a take over is yours, not mine," Tul argued. "You're doing a great job, anyways. Better than Father. So why pass that baton to me. Especially if it's only for PR's sakes."
"Legally, officially and openly are all different."
"That's something you can rectify," Tul stared at his uncle, "and if you need my support for it, I'm all yours. Let me report to you instead."
"You're intelligent and hardworking," Sek smiled at him, "you'll be great when you take over."
"Yes, when you're old and tired, and ready to step down," Tul beseeched his uncle. "It's a little premature for you to retire now."
"Well, if you really want to help me, I have some inconsistent data that needs to be looked at," Sek tried to distract him.
Tul has several weaknesses.
One was the outdoors.
Two was unsolved puzzles.
"Inconsistent data?"
And true to his uncle's prediction, Tul's interest was piqued.
"Yeah, someone's stealing from us, and I need another pair of eyes to see how the numbers are being played with."
"Really? Is this a secret mission, then?" Tul grinned for the first time at his uncle.
"Yeah, if you want to see it that way," Sek laughed, happy that Tul's perpetual frown disappeared at last, "what an overgrown kid you are sometimes."
Making Tul grinned even wider.
Despite their constant battle of words, Tul got on quite well with Sek ever since he was young.
Sek used to visit Bhutan quite a bit when Tul was growing up.
Until he had to take over the running of Pakorn Inc.
And marry the woman of his family's choosing.

"How is Jane?"
"Phi's good."
"She's not homesick?"
"Her home is me."
"I'm glad to hear that."
"Don't worry about P'Jane," Tul looked at Sek, "I'll take care of her."
"Noted," Sek said simply. "I'm happy she still has you."
And Sek took a sip of water to hide his sad smile.


"You busy today?"
"Hey!" Max's tired face lighted up at the call, making the nurses near him looked up curiously, "I'm on duty til 6."
It was only 3pm then.
"You finished with the office?"
"I'm playing truant."
"Aaah... need another hideout?"
"Something like that," Tul grinned into the phone.
He actually just wanted to hear Max's voice.
Somehow, just listening to it seemed to clear his mind.
"Ok, come to The City Hospital, you can chill at my place," Max said, implying the Natta City Hospital, "I'll leave an access card for you at the reception, under my name."
"You sure?"
"Sure, I'm sure."
"I can only see you after 6 though."
"That's ok, I'll wait."


Tul consciously pulled the cap further down his face as he waited for the receptionist to retrieve the item for him.
It was an envelope with a key card and passcode.
After a quick thank you, he quickly followed the directions scribbled by Max, and up to the later's private studio.

Entering Max's domain somehow made Tul feel at ease, despite it being a new place for him.
It was also a bigger window to the man he was slowly getting to know.
From the apparent enthusiasm for sports and fitness based on the lavish muy thai ring and gym equipment; to the love for his rides from the many expensive and vintage helmets, jackets and other biking paraphernalia, displayed around the main studio area.

Yet, upon entering his bedroom part towards the back, a calmer Max seemed to appear.
The small room was cozily done up with a day bed, study table, small dining table and kitchenette, as well as an attached bathroom.
Dr Max was also apparent here with thick medical journals and often used notebooks strewn across any visible platforms in the room.
Yet, in between, Tul could see framed pictures or tacked polaroids peeking in between the reading materials - of smiling Max with his parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and friends.
And Tul's wistful smile appeared again.

- to be continued -


As the opening caption suggests, this chapter is all about the hints of 'the what could have beens'.

Mercutio (Romeo's cousin) said that after raving and ranting about nothing in particular but I thought it appropriate to be used here, in reflection of Sek's hidden feelings and Tul's longing for perhaps a happier family.

As you may already have guessed, Mae and Lady Pakorn are not the same person, but more will be told later 😉

In the mean time, Happy New Year everyone 😍 May 2021 bring you health, happiness and good tidings. Hang in there, these unpredictable covid-infested times will one day come to pass ☺️

Much love, Blu 💕

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