The Son

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'O, teach me how I should forget to think'

"Nurse... what time is it?"
"Dr Max! You're awake," the nurse on duty urgently called, "someone call Dr Great!"
Max grabbed the nurse as she was leaving the ER observation room to call for the doctors.
"Nurse, the guy who brought me in, is he still here?"
"Guy? I don't know sir," the nurse shook her head, "I came in at 7 this morning."
"So, what time is it now?"
"Nearly 10, sir."
Everyone at all the Natta hospitals know the main household of the Nattapols - especially its young master.
So, it was not a surprise for the whole hospital to run amok at the appearance of an unconscious bleeding Dr Max at its ER door that morning.
"Ok. Go call Dr Great, then," Max said.


"Max, how're you feeling?"
Great was another cousin, in his mid 30s and was in charge of ER.
"Ok, I guess," Max answered simply, his mind already on where Tul Pakorn could be.
As Great checked his wounds and vitals, Max mind was already flying all over the place.
I guess he won't stick around?
That's expected.
Did anyone know who he was?
How did he leave the hospital?
Did he take my bike?
Was he going around without a shirt on?
Won't he catch a cold like that?
"Your wound seems to be ok," Great said. "We had to put in 13 stitches all in. It was pretty deep."
"It didn't cut any muscles or anything, right?"
"No, thank god for that."
Max sighed in relief.
"Did dad or mom come?"
"Of course they did," Great smiled, "both of them. Your mom just went home a while ago to rest. Uncle's up at his office."
"Oh ok," Max smiled. "What time did I come in last night?"
"Around 4 I think. Dr Oat took care of the arm before I arrived."
"I see," Max nodded, "and the guy who brought me in?"
"That's what we wanted to ask you. What happened?" Great asked, sitting on the side of Max's bed. "Where were you? Fluke said you guys went your separate ways at about 2 or so."


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"Yeah. I just rode to Lumphini to chill."
Max explained the goings on briefly to Great - without mentioning who he helped.
"We checked the CCTV but couldn't see his face properly."
"Nurse Sia was on duty. She's on double shift today," the nurse assisting Great said. "I can call her for you."
"Yes, that's a good idea," Great said. "Please call her for us."
As the attending nurse left the observation room, Great pointed some clothing he put on the side table earlier.
"I brought you a t shirt. You can get changed later," Great said. "And if you're up for it, your dad asked you to go up and say hi."
"Ok, thanks."


"We received you at the ER door, you lost a lot of blood," Nurse Sia gestured excitedly. "He came to sign you in, saying he just got your name. But we told him we know who you were."
"I see," Great nodded. "Did he say who he was?"
"No, sir, he didn't," Nurse Sia shook her head, "we were busy attending to Dr Max and when we went back to the waiting room, he already left."
That's not surprising, Max thought.
"Who is he Dr Max? He's soooo handsome," the nurse gushed, turning her attention on the doctor on the bed, "and he came in without a shirt on."
The 40 year old nurse giggled and blushed, making Max smiled too.
I seriously can't blame you for that reaction, Nurse Sia, Max thought in amusement.
"Uh, just someone I helped at the park," Max replied. "Who then, helped me in return."
"Yes, he was clearly worried," Nurse Sia nodded. "Also we didn't want to see him covered up," she giggled again, "but we thought he might be cold and gave him a scrub to put on."
"I see."
"Did he say anything else before leaving?" Great asked.
"No sir he didn't," Nurse Sia shook her head, "Oh! But he did ask for a marker pen and said Dr Max's helmet and jacket were on the bike."
"Ok, thank you Nurse Sia," Great nodded. "That'll be all. You can go back to work now."
"Yes, sir. Get well soon, Dr Max."

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