The Date

612 39 58

'Arise fair sun, and kill the envious moon'

9.30 pm that night

It has been three days since Max last saw Tul.
And that was at the hotel.
Heck, I spent more time talking to that crazy lady than him, Max thought, roughly pulling his shirt off to shower.
He just barely dragged himself into his studio after an extended day at the wards.
Why are you so hot and bothered, anyways? Max chastised himself. Dad already said you're off the hook. You don't have to woo either of the Pakorn siblings. So why the heck are you fidgeting like there's a cockroach running up your pants?

Truth was, Max tried desperately to get the Pakorn heir out of his mind, but Tul's sad eyes and wistful smile kept popping up.
Tul's face appeared when Max was attending to a patient.
When he was at the cafetaria line.
In his laptop monitor.
It also did not help that ever since the coming out party last weekend, Tul Pakorn was gracing every imaginable social and entertainment magazines, as well as the business news, both printed and electronic ones.
Sometimes with Tanshi, and at times without.
And the questions that popped up:
- How old are you - 25
- What's your position at Pakorn Inc - apprentice
- Where have you been all this while - around
- Do you have a girlfriend - no
In all appearances, Tul Pakorn exuded a warm approachable air that made viewers unaware he was not really giving full answers to any of the questions.
Tul Pakorn simply came across as that elusive boy next door that you just itch to know bettter.

Fuck! Max thought. I need to get a life.
Or a girl!
But he could at least call, to say thanks.
Or let me say thanks.
Or whatever!
And Max continued to battle with himself.
After Jane left the other day, Max was left to himself with nothing better to do than to watch Tul below.
He observed every shy movement, every confident stare; every soft smile, every stifled yawn; every awkward gesture, every bold action - the boy was an enigma.
A paradox.
And Max could not wait to continue talking to him.
Yet, just when Tul's date seemed to be coming to an end, Max phone rang with his mother ready to go home.
So, Max did not get to meet Tul after that.

But he was hoping Tul would call.
For a chat.
A hello.
A something.

But nadda.

And Max was not about to make the first move.
Not when he already had.
And got snubbed.
He'll call. We'll be bros. I know it.
Maybe tomorrow. Or next year.
I'm not gonna call him.

"Fuck it," Max said out loud, taking his phone out while grabbing a towel, "I'll call. There, you happy now."
And he aggressively punched Tul's number.
But before the number could even register, Tul's caller ID appeared.
Alongside a saved picture Max had taken from the net.

"Shiaaa.." Max nearly dropped the phone in surprise.
But after a few rings, Max managed to calm down and pick the call up.
"Hello," Max barely managed to clear his throat.
"Are you free?"
"What? Now?"
"Yes," Max answered quickly before face-palming himself.
So much for playing hard to get, Max!
"Wanna hang out?"
"Sure," Max smiled softly.
"Lumphini Park? In an hour?"
"Yeah, ok."
"Pheww," Tul said in relief. He was scared Max would be busy. "Have you eaten?"
"Just a sandwich."
"Ok. I'll bring food."
"See ya."
"Yeah, see ya."
And at the click of the phone, Max made a dash for the bathroom, like his life depended on it.


7.00 pm that night

"You need to get some new clothes," Lady Pakorn said scathingly, "that's the third time I see you in the same shirt."
"I happen to like this shirt," came Tul's nonchalant reply.
"Aim and I are taking P'Tul shopping next week, mommy," Tanshi said quickly, before her mother could launch another attack.
"You are?" Tul asked in alarm, not really helping to ease the tension somehow.
Tul does not mind going shopping with his sister, but he did not have the strength to keep up the pretense of enjoying Aim's company.

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