Chapter 14

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Just when I thought school couldn't be any more stressful, I was proven wrong by immediately having a microphone shoved in my face as soon as I got to campus.

"Are you one of All Might's students? Tell us, what is he like?" The reporter worded it like it was a question, but her tone made it sound like a demand.

"If you don't get that fucking thing out of my face I'll-" Before I could finish my threat, Kirishima grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the media mob that had swarmed.

"These guys are crazy! They're going to end up pushing the wrong person *coughBakugocough* and get into serious trouble." The sound of the school's defense system goes off and a huge gate separates the reporters from getting in.

Aizawa, looking exhausted as per usual, makes his way toward the school building with an annoyed expression.

I can already tell this is going to be a long day.


"You all need to pick a class representative."


Everyone begins their attempt at convincing the others that they are the ones for the job. Being the class rep at UA isn't the normal, boring role it would be at other high schools because here, it's another way to be recognized by pro hero agencies.

I raise my hand and join the chatting chaos to make an attempt at getting a word in.

"Silence, everyone, please!" The class falls quiet and stares at Iida, "the class representative's duty is to lead others. That's not something just anyone can do. You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom. Therefore, the most logical way to fill this position is democratically."

An election

"Do what you want, just decide before my naps over." Aizawa says before falling onto the floor in his usual caterpillar state.

I glance around the classroom and think about how I feel about them as class rep.

Mina - love her to death but she would definitely always forget about her extra duties

Kiri – would have good intentions but he doesn't exactly have the grades of a UA class rep

Tokoyami – more than likely wouldn't consider how the rest of the class feels about important decisions

Bakugo – no. Just no.

Midoriya – lacks the necessary social skills to even do a group project let alone lead a whole class

But Iida? Yes it's very clear that he wants us all to vote for him, but he does seem the type to take the role seriously. He's been a sort of leader for the class since the start of the year and maybe earning the class rep title is what he's been aiming for like I've been aiming for the sports Festival.

In the end though, my vote didn't matter because Midoriya won with three votes along with Yaoyorozu earning Deputy.

I look over at Iida who was practically shaking with frustration.

"Hey, if it means anything, I voted for you." I tell him. He turns towards me and after a moment of hesitation, he gives me a smile of appreciation.


"Hey, Mina. Gimme a sec I'ma go to the restroom real quick and I'll meet you at the lunch table." Mina gives me a toothy grin and runs off with Kirishima.

I open my phone and read through my emails as I walk towards the women's room. And of course, my oblivious ass runs into someone.

"I got to stop doing this. I'm sorry are you okay?" I look at the person I ran into and my eyes were met by a very tired looking boy with purple hair.

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