Chapter 16

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We stood there staring at each other, surrounded by enemies that had been frozen by Todoroki's quirk. I had to make up an excuse and I had to do it now.

"I had an extra container with a water source." I said, praying that he would buy it. I don't know if he believed me but he decided to drop it.

"Listen well. If you stay frozen, your cells will slowly die as your body succumbs to frostbite and hypothermia. Lucky for you, I wanna be a hero. So I'd like to avoid any unnecessary cruelty." Todoroki approaches one of the villains and gets in their face. "But I can only do that if you tell me how you plan to kill All Might. That's the only way to survive."

He was interrogating the villains. I watched as he held his icy hand in front of a villain that was begging for his life. His idea was good but he was asking the wrong person.

I got off the ground and held my side that was injured earlier. I winced in pain which grabs Todoroki's attention. Ignoring his look of pity, I walk over towards the one that sent the shock wave at me before.

"You." I say as I point at the villain. "Unfreeze him, Todoroki."

"What are yo-"

"Just listen to me." He steps his left foot forward and the ice around my target releases him. Before he could make an attack, I shoot a gust of wind at his feet, launching him in the air, and then hold him there upside down. "Continue your interrogation."


"Get the hell out of my way, Deku!" Classic Bakugo always showing up right on time.

Todoroki and I finally made our way to the center plaza and there was All Might, restrained by the brain bird and the portal Quirk.

Bakugo used his quirk to hit what looked to be the portals physical body before it could get to Midoriya.

"Boost me." Todoroki says. I cross and uncross my arms to shoot a blast of wind and propel him closer to All Might. Then using his right side, he freezes the birds body.

"One of your poorly trained thugs told us you're here because you think you can kill All Might." I say as I join Todoroki's side and watch our hero free himself from the villain's grip. "The Symbol of Peace will not be defeated by dumbasses like y'all."

Defeated villains were scattered across the ground, my classmates stood holding onto any hope they had left, Bakugo and Kiri were holding down the warp villain. Are we winning?

"Kids these days really are amazing. They make the League of Villains look like amateurs. Can't have that." The guy with hands plastered to him referred to the bird thing as 'Nomu' and then started moving.

The Nomu pulled itself out of the warp gate with its right arm and leg frozen and falling off.

"Stay back, everyone." All Might demands. As he says this, the Nomu's limbs grow back as if nothing happened.

"First we need to free our method of escape." All our attention turned to Bakugo who was now in severe danger. "Get him, Nomu." Those three words made a nostalgic feeling form in my stomach. The same feeling I had when my sister fell into the river years ago.

I had to do some thing or they wouldn't be okay.

Again my body acted on its own. Doing what needed to be done before my mind could react. My hands were in front of me and the air was being shifted.

Bakugo suddenly appeared next to Midoriya, Kirishima, and Todoroki.

"Whoa, Kacchan! You dodged him, that's awesome!"Midoriya says.

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