Chapter 31

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When people say that a single look from someone could give you butterflies, they must be talking about the look that Shoto was giving me right now.

His jaw was slightly ajar, eyes widened in amazement. He looked like the whole world had stopped moving except for me as I stood in the middle of the training field with my arms ablaze.

I hadn't seen the boy for the last two days and as a result of that, he was yet to see my fire in action. Thirty-six of my last forty-eight hours had been spent in Endeavor's training facilities along side Burnin and Kido with the occasional lessons from the flame hero himself.

Shoto on the other hand had not stepped foot into the field until now. He was out doing some super secret but also probably very emotionally draining tasks with his father.

He had been standing there with his eyes locked on my now extinguished figure for almost three minutes straight, I'm not even sure if he noticed his father or the other two heroes were present.

"Krys, focus darling." Burnin said. A grumble of agreement came from Endeavor's closed lips as a slight sting of embarrassment laid in my chest.

Drawing my attention away from my classmate, I closed my eyes and returned to a relaxed posture with my arms to my sides.

"Focus, Krystal. Don't only think of your quirk as a fire. Think about it as heat. Think about and imagine it at a molecular level." Endeavor's deep voice rung through my head as my skin's temperature rose.

Visible steam began to form around my body and after I was content with the density of the gas, my eyes opened, my arms lifted and the H20 quickly changed to its liquid state and took the shape of a whip.

I did it

Using my pyrokinesis to heat the water in the air enough that evaporation was forced to speed up and produce more H20 allowing me to then use cryokinesis to cool it back down and manipulate it with my hydrokinesis.

"Guess ya really took what I said the otha day pretty serious, huh?" Burnin said as she placed her hand on my shoulder and looked at me with pride.

"Definitely. The amount of things I've learned from you in two short days is amazing. Thank you so much, Burnin! I look forward to learning even more from you!"

"Oh, please. Call me Moe. We're friends now, ain't we?" I nodded and we exchanged smirks.

"You've exceeded my expectations, Krystal. That's for sure." Endeavor approached me and although I am not a short person, I still was forced to crank my head back to look at him. "I will admit, at the sports festival I had planned to only bring you in to enhance your fire quirk. Maybe even have you push that to be your main, if not only, offensive power but your ability to use and control all of your elements is not something that even I can'toverlook."

The compliment from the number 2 hero caused an embarrassingly bright smile to appear on my lips but as soon as I looked over to see his son, the smile disappeared.

"You've worked really hard today. Take the rest of the evening off, hero." Endeavor says before exiting along with his sidekicks.

With the two of us being the only ones in the room, I awkwardly looked at the ground while Shoto kept his eyes on me, his stare making me grow more and more insecure.

"Um, Shoto? About what I said the other day-"

"Don't." He cut me off. For a moment, a sad frown formed on my face, assuming his interruption implied his impending rejection to my plea for forgiveness. "I need to apologize to you."

My eyes shot back up to meet his and were greeted with his orbs looking almost glassy with tears threatening to form.

"What I said to you the other day? It was horrible and I swear I didn't mean any of it. I know this isn't a good enough reason and only sounds like an excuse because it is but whenever my dad is involved with anything, especially when it comes to people I care about, I just lose it. And when you were talking about getting help and learning from him, it made me feel useless. I wanted to be the one to help you like you helped me but...I couldn't. I couldn't do for you what you did for me at the sports festival and my frustration manifested as aggresion towards you and for that I sincerely apologize...I...I'm sorry...Krystal." The boy bowed, furthering his seriousness.

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