chapter 1

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Sanji pov.

I wake up before the rest of the crew, change out of my PJ's and head to the kitchen to make breakfast. When i get in there I see usopp. "Oi usopp why u up so early?" I ask while lighting a cigarette.
"O-oh hi sanji I couldnt sleep.." He says.
"So you've been up all night?" I ask a little worried for my friend.
"Yeah basically."
I walk to usopp and take a closer look at him. He was pale.
"W-what? Do i have something on my face?" Usopp asked why wiping his face thinking there was something on it.
"No you just look... Pale.." I say with worry.
"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask trying to change the subject.
I look at usopp while walking to the kitchen. He was thinking while making a face.
"French toast!" Usopp said excitedly.
I start to make the food, but then franky walks in.
" woah it smells SUPERRR! good. Can i have some?" Franky asks.
"No." I reply while puffing out smoke from my cigarette. Usopp looks at me confused.
"Why? That's not very super of you." Franky says sounding disappointed.
"This is usopps food y'all are getting something else. I say with little to no emotion.
"Sanji its ok. He can have some." Usopp says while yawning.
"No i asked what 'You' wanted. Not what I should make everyone." I say with a firm voice.
"F-fine.. Usopp says looking away with a slightly pink tint to his face as i finish making his food.
I put syrup and powder sugar on his French toast and walk up to him.
I set his plate down and try to get a closer look at his face cause it was pink. 'Does he have a fever?' i ask myself. He turns to face my and our faces are close. His face gets even more red. "Are you feeling ok? You look kinda red.. Do u have a fever?" I ask worried.
"I-im fine.." He says looking away and grabbing his food.
"Ok.. Just let me know if you start to feel sick or just get chopper." I state.
Franky still standing there asks..
" When are you gonna make our food?? I'm SUPERR hungry." He says while complaining.
It had been a couple weeks since the two year time we had to spit up. Luffy had about two nightmares ant the stupid marimo was there to comfort him. Not surprised if they were dating.
But thats besides the point.
I had make everyone pancakes execpt for luffy. I made him meat.

____ a few hours later____

I was walking past nami-swans room, but I heard he talking to some one. I was gonna keep walking but i heard her say something.
"So usopp.. Do you like anyone??" She said. I stayed wanting to hear who he liked.
"I- uhh.. I-....." I heard usopp say.
"Ooooo~ your blushing!!!" Nami-swan said.
"So whos the lucky girl?? Kaya?? Robin??" She asked usopp.
"Its- uhhh... Kaya?" Usopp said.
I felt a slight sting in my heart.. Why did I feel like this. I brushed it off walking away.

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