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TW: Claustrophobia

How did I end up here...?

Book shakily looked around. The void around her stayed as silent and calm as before, but it still felt wrong. Like it was getting smaller by the second, restricting the air in the unconscious mind of the blue and green object, which got her to start panicking.

T-That's not good! This is bad, really bad...

It felt like all the air was being stripped from her lungs, getting her to begin hyperventilating, which made the air loss even worse. Book quaked in place, knowing of her demise coming soon. Something reached out to her, though.

Huh? Book, you OK?

It was a voice. The one of Taco. The panic temporarily subsided, but Book was still scared. The world grew fuzzy and distant as her consciousness faded, causing her to wake up with a loud start. That may have been a nightmare, but it was far too realistic for her. Taco quickly embraced her, trying to ease her mind of what happened.

"That was just a nightmare. You were shaking a lot and breathing really fast, and you still are. Try getting some air in." 

The panic was rough enough that she didn't respond, prompting Taco to thing of something to try and get her to do it. And something came across her mind that she tried. While still embracing her, she lightly squeezed her body, causing her pages to rustle and a breath to be taken.

"See, it's not bad. Just keep doing that."

The process caused breaths slowly begin to return to normal, and Book looked exhausted. The breathing had gotten her tired again, but she was scared if she fell asleep she'd have that nightmare again, so she quietly quivered while sitting up. She was still nervous before something small and damp touched her cheek, making her look at Taco, and she quickly put two and two together. As for her, she held a small stuffed version of herself out.

"It's so you'll feel nicer. Now c'mere."

The gift was taken, and Book didn't quite know what to do with it until she was embraced once more, the piece of fast food whispering advice which was taken into mind rather quickly.

"Just hug it, like I'm doing to you."

The info was received, and the mini Taco was wrapped in shaky arms, even with a scent similar to the real thing, causing Book's nerves to fade as it was held as the top of her head was stroked gently, allowing her to slide back into dreams that were a lot more peaceful then the last.

"You look cute like that. G'night."

Taco could have sworn a smile rose onto Book's face as she also slipped into dreams that couldn't have been any sweeter then the ones her partner experienced.

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