The Lessons They Had Learned

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Midoriya watched Todoroki fall. He didn't need to grab the flag.

Not any more.

"Class 3e win!" Ritsu's voice announced from everyone's phone. The four dead people stood up and the rest of the 3e class jumped down with a giant THUD.

"Gah! Tu m'as fait peur!" Aoyama jumped. The other three looked at them with a look of either annoyance, astonishment, or their eyes just widened. Or a mix of the three.

"So even if we weren't defeated by Midoriya, we would still have no chance of winning," Tokoyami said, looking around. "Where's Kirara?"

Kayano piped up, "She was part of my team but Jirou captured her."

Tokoyami nodded as Todoroki asked, "Why didn't you just attack us?"

Surprisingly, Karma answered. "We don't work like that. If you just attack straight on, you're showing your numbers and might fail, especially when you guys have long-range quirks. So, we had to surprise you. Izu-chan here did just fine. Besides," Karma added, "we wanted to see your faces when we came and surprised you!" The four from Class 1a could swear that they saw a devil peeping over Karma's shoulder.

"Well, Izu-chan did well, so we win!" Nagisa said and Class 3e smiled.

"Oh yes, Midoriya? You were rather upset during your battle with Todoroki and Bakugou, are you alright, mon amie?" Aoyama inquired and Midoriya smiled, "It was just some things I had to get off my chest."

"So you're alright? Oui?"

"Yep! Don't worry Aoyama!"

Class 3e nodded at this interaction between Aoyama and Midoriya. Good it seemed like Midoriya had at least one good friend in Class 1a. Fuwa especially nodded. If she was going to talk about the fourth wall with someone, that person better be nice to her class or else.

"Hey, Midobro! We saw the battle from Ritsu! Nice going, so manly!" 

Class 3e, Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugou, Aoyama, and Tokoyami turned to see the rest of Class 1a, Kirara, Okajima, and Aizawa.

"Okajima, how'd you get out? Kirara was supposed to be, but you weren't," Maehara asked and Okajima rubbed the back of his neck while murmuring something.

"What'd you say?"

"I said, I got out by some ants. They were crawling all over me," Okajima shivered and the two classes felt sympathy for him.

"It was pretty intense, that last battle," Class 3e turned towards Uraraka, who had her pointer finger on her chin.

Kirishima nodded and Hitoshi added, "Yeah, but it makes sense. Midoriya was frustrated so he took it out on the battle."

Mina shivered slightly, "It was kinda spooky to see Midoriya like that." Class 1a nodded and Class 3e just grinned.

"Shouldn't we be heading back to the building?" Isogai asked, ever so politely. He was practically sparkling and Class 3e couldn't help but think, 'He's an ikemen!'

"No, not yet," Aizawa grumbled and the two classes looked at him in confusion. "This is a learning experience so tell me what went wrong and why."

Jirou raised her hand and Aizawa nodded to her. "Well," she said, "I was too confident in my quirk so they easily got Hagakure out. Then, they lured me away from Tsu with Kirara. I thought they wanted to get us or just me out but because of my thinking, Tsu got out as well."

"By the way," Jirou asked, "how did you get Hagakure out?"

"Sniped her," Chiba said and Class 3e sweatdropped at his short answer.

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