4. Cold Person can be Warm

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Shocked to the core, after hearing that the maths class actually didn't happened. Shi QingXuan stood there watching the back of leisurely walking Ming Yi.

Ming Yi stopped in his steps and turned only his head and sighed. He said, "I already said they must be making out, if they told you that they were attending maths class."

Shi QingXuan blinked his eyes a few times, "B-but I thought you were joking Ming xiong..."

"You think I'm joking?"

"Then are you telling me the truth?"


This time Ming Yi totally turned around and approached Shi QingXuan. He said, "Fine, fine. Why are you making it such a big deal? This was a free period for us. I met that fat prof. in my way to ground, I thought I would sleep for one period."

"Ohhhh" Shi QingXuan said as he nodded in response. Then he added, "Th-then they are really...? I mean they both lied to me?"

"You dummy." Ming Yi sighed, "You're just a bit dumb."

"I'm not!" Shi QingXuan defended himself, "I'm not dumb!"

Ming Yi raised his hand with plain expression, for a moment Shi QingXuan thought that he was gonna get punched on his face on first day. His reflex made him close his eyes tightly.

Who would've expected instead he felt a gentle pat on his head. He heard Ming Yi say, "Yeah... You're just a bit innocent. No one wanted to ruin your innocence."

When he opened his eyes Ming Yi had already turned around and started walking. He stood in daze for a while, and subconsciously caressed his hair where Ming Yi had patted.

Then he ran towards Ming Yi to catch up with him and walked by his side.

Then in following classes he didn't met Ming Yi. Him and Xie Lian's most of the classes were same. But he didn't mentioned about anything regarding the maths class.

Only during the lunch time he got a glimpse of Ming Yi. Before he even called out his name he vanished among the crowd of students in the canteen.

Shi QingXuan wanted to ask about Ming Yi to Xie Lian and Hua Cheng. But somehow he wasn't able to. At first, he wasn't close with this student called Hua Cheng, in addition he seemed to be interested in none expect  Xie Lian.

And he didn't wanted to ask Xie Lian because he thought that Xie Lian might find him to be a trouble and lie to him again. Thus, it was better to be silent.

While eating the meal, he saw the three familiar figures. He chewed his food as fast as possible and called out, "Brother!"

Before Shi WuDu even turned his head, Pei Ming shouted back, "Oi!"

He didn't even called Pei Ming. Why did that man shouted at him?

As a matter of fact the girls too shouted "Shi WuDu!" "Pei Ming!"

It was no less than the atmosphere of a circus in the canteen. Shi QingXuan hurriedly ate his meal and finished within three minutes. He covered his ears and went out of the canteen without talking to anyone.

More than twenty minutes were left for lunch break to be over. Going to class and prepare for further classes could never be a decision, moreover it was never in a option.

So, he hummed a tune and walked towards the roof of the university.

He pulled the iron door that produced a creepy sound. He saw a familiar black silhouette standing alone and facing his back towards him.

He swayed his hand away from his mouth and whisk of smoke flew out. In his hand was a cigarette.

He was smoking.

Shi QingXuan widened his eyes for a moment. Then called for the person, "Ming xiong, you're smoking?"

Ming Yi finally slanted his head to look at the person behind.


He only said a single word, but it was so cold and scarier than the sound made by the pulling of that iron door.

Shi QingXuan hesitantly said, "But... It isn't good for your health."

"As if I don't know." Ming Yi replied with irritation and turned back.

Shi QingXuan moved forward and stood beside Ming Yi. He gazed at whole university. The building was indeed big. The grounds itself took a huge area. The people walking down looked nothing more than just a dot.

Again the smoke travelled through the air. This time Shi QingXuan too inhaled some of the smoke.

He side eyed Ming Yi but didn't said anything.

Ming Yi too drooped his eye lids to look at him. He said, "Don't stand here."

Shi QingXuan arched his brows, "Why?"

"The smoke will affect you."

"I'm a man and I can smoke as well."


"You don't believe me?" He said while he took out his wallet and fished out his ID card. He said, "See my date of birth. If you count the year I was born in, I'm already a legal adult!"


"You still don't believe me Ming xiong?!" He snatched the cigar from Ming Yi's mouth put it in his mouth. As soon as he inhaled the smoke, he coughed.

Ming Yi was at a loss. If this would have been any another person, he would have stuffed the raw cigar into that person's mouth till it reached his stomach.

But, this was a different case, because the person was someone else. And to hurt this person was the last thing he would want to do.

Shi QingXuan was acting like some crazy dude. Ming Yi sighed and rubbed his back. He said, "Yeah you're a man." He rolled his eyes, "I thought you were a girl and I was about to kidnap you. Now stop. Okay?"

Though his voice wasn't in soft tune but for someone like him to say such words were really more than enough.

Shi QingXuan finally calmed down, "If I were a girl you would kidnap me?"

Ming Yi stared at him while his left eye twitched, "Maybe."

"I see..." Shi QingXuan nodded and added while indicating the cigar in his hand, "And what about this? You'll smoke?"

Ming Yi was still gently rubbing his back to comfort him. He raised his eyebrows then replied, "I... won't smoke...for now."

Then he helped Shi QingXuan to get up. He added, "And you don't have to do such stupid things."

Shi QingXuan tilted his head, "Stupid? How? And what do mean by 'for now'?"


Seriously, this person's trail of question never ends.

Ming Yi raised his hand and patted his head. He bent down a little to be in the same level as him.

His face was still as calm and expressionless as ever, and so handsome and aesthetic as always.

"Silly." He heard Ming Yi saying it to him.

Then he felt a gentle blow of warm air on his forehead, with reflex he lightly closed his eyes.

The next moment when he opened his eyes, Ming Yi had already turned his back towards him and was heading out.

Shi QingXuan couldn't help but press his forehead where he had felt the gentle pat of air.

He thought,

Why did Xie Lian said that he is a very cold and distant person. He is so gentle and caring... and handsome as well.

Boring I guess... Well I'll first complete my book called "Universal Treasure" as I've taken part in ONC2021 and have been selected for Round two. Till then this beefleaf modern au fanfic will be on hiatus 〣( ºΔº )〣
Sayonara! Stay safe (。-_-。)

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