3. Anatomy Class

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After parting there ways, as Ming Yi had mathematics class and Shi QingXuan had Anatomy class, he headed towards the practical lab. But to only find an empty lab with no sign of human beings, not even the atrificial skeleton was present.

Thus, Shi QingXuan went reverse and checked through every class, resulting in only making fun of himself infront of other students.

He asked a student, "Umm... miss do you know where's anatomy class for first year students is?"

The student replied, "Yeah, they're at the back ground of the university."

"Ohh" He acknowledged, "Thankyou very much miss."

The student replied, "Welcome."

As she passed by him, Shi QingXuan noticed a deep scar on her neck. But he wasn't close enough with her to ask about it even though he was concerned. So, he let it be and headed towards the back ground.

In the back ground, there was indeed a group of students sitting on the ground, and a teacher with round mountain like stomach wearing spects pointing towards the skull of the skeleton that was supported by a student.

That student's face had an extremely unintrested expression. He had put on a black hoodie with black jeans. Though his outfit was average, but his face sure had charms.

When Shi QingXuan saw the man supporting the skeleton, his eyes went wide. Without any thoughts, he waved both of his hands in the air and shouted, "Ming xiong!"

Every single student along with the professor and Ming Yi himself turned their eyes at once. Being the centre of attention was nothing new to him. Therefore, he didn't mind.

"Ming xiong, you too have anatomy class? I didn't knew that even architect students have anatomy class. That means we can now attend the classes together!"


"Ah Ming xiong reply me!"

Ming Yi only looked at him straight face, but still one could fathom that he was face palming himself, except Shi QingXuan.

"Ming xi- Ow ouch ouch ouch!"

"You dare disturb my class brat." The rounds professor cut him off in mid whilst pinching his ear.

"Sorry sir!" Shi QingXuan replied at a speed of light. The prof. thought of considering his apology and was about to reply when he heard him continue his sentence.

"I only noticed Ming xiong first."

Shi QingXuan said this with all sincerity and had thought that he would be forgiven. But who knew that the professor's face would instead turn red from anger.

He shouted, "Get out!"

Without another thought he just ran away from the teacher, and stood under the tree that was few feets away.

He heard the students laughing at him and saw few of them gossiping. The girls turned around to look at him, he smiled at them and they too returned the simle. But after the mutual greeting was over, the girls burst into laughter among themselves.

He noticed this but didn't say anything. He dropped his gaze towards his shoes and sat down.

"Idiot" He wishpered to himself.

He again looked at the direction of class. But his main focus was on the man supporting the artificial skeleton.

Even he didn't knew for how long he gazed, until Ming Yi too turned his head around. As their eyes met, Shi QingXuan panicked for no particular reason. He averted his eyes here and there.

But then...why was he even panicking. Thus, he again focused his eyes on Ming Yi. As if having a staring contest, and none wanting to lose. Both of them just kept staring at each other for a good one minute.

Then Ming Yi turned his face but before that something unexpected happened.

He smiled.

That was just a little tilt of his lip, just for a fraction of seconds. But Shi QingXuan was sure that he smiled.

He couldn't help but strech his upper body forward and make his neck longer.

The professor noticed his action. He sighed and called him, "Hey come."

Shi QingXuan got up and dusted off the dust on his clothes, and walked towards the crowd of students and again sat down.

The teacher told him, "If you really wanted to attend the class you should've said it sooner. No need to strech your neck like Giraffe."

Shi QingXuan was perplexed. He didn't had any idea of what his professor was saying. But nevertheless, he had already learnt his lesson and remained quite.

After the class ended, the teacher had ordered Ming Yi to keep the skeleton in the lab. And ofcourse, Shi QingXuan wouldn't leave him. So, he accompanied Ming Yi.

As they came out of the lab Shi QingXuan asked, "Ming xiong why didn't you replied me before? You know how much face I lose."

Ming Yi replied, "Well...ask me anything now. I'll reply."

Shi QingXuan crossed his arms, "You said you had maths class. Then how come you were in anatomy?"

"I met the Professor in my way to class and he told me to hold that skeleton for him."

"But then won't you be missing your maths class?"

Ming Yi plainly said, "No, I won't."

Shi QingXuan became even more perplexed, "Then what about your friends?"

This time it was Ming Yi's turn to be confused. He asked, "Who?"

"Xie Lian and Hua Cheng." Shi QingXuan said. He further added, "Won't they be worried that you didn't attend the class with them?"

Ming Yi halted in his steps for a while, then walked. He said, "No, they won'tand they aren't my friends. They must be making out somewhere."

"Oh... Huh? Wait. What?!"

"What?" Ming Yi said

"What what?!" Shi Qing shouted.

Ming Yi sighed, "What do you mean?"

"I-if th-they are making out, then who is attending the class?" Shi QingXuan said.

Ming Yi replied as if totally exhauseted, "Aren't there other students?"

"Oh yeah..." But then he again added, "But both of them are top grade students. Won't the Professor notice it?"

Ming Yi turned his head to look at him, "You won't stop talking right?"

"Reply me fisrt." Shi QingXuan pouted.

Ming Yi pursed his lip for a while. Then replied, "No."


Ming Yi flatly replied, "Because there was no maths class."


"Wait. What did you say, Ming xiong?!"

Ming Yi flatly replied, "I said what i said."

Boring right °Д°

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