2. Infirmary

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LMAO I went away for too long right. I dunno if you guys even remember me... Well nevermmind that :')

"There's no one here. Only me and you."


The bell rang.

"Okay students so your first class is over. I hope I don't have to say that you must go through the notes properly. Tomorrow we'll continue with the topic."

The professor was about to leave, but before he left he added, "Also, you're free to ask me questions, I'm not like other professors."

Only the student sitting on the first bench replied, "Okay...sir."

The professor said, "I'm Mei NianQing. Address me as Prof. Mei. What is your name?"

The student replied, "I'm Xie Lian."

Prof. Mei hummed and left. Simultaneously every student started exiting the room.

Shi QingXuan was packing his books when he saw the smart student from earlier comming towards him. He grinned, "Hello! You're Xie Lian, right?"

Xie Lian replied, "Yes, I am. Earlier before the class started you fell down along with the student from architect department. Are you hurt somewhere?"

Shi QingXuan felt very warm hearing that someone was concerned about him. He said, "Ah no, I'm fine now. I'll just take that student to the infirmary once."

Xie Lain blinked and said, "You'll take him to infirmary?"

Shi QingXuan was confused, "Ah why?"

"Because that person is very un-social." Xie Lian replied, "I am not sure if he'll accept your help. But-"

"But there's no loss in trying right?!" He was cut off by Shi QingXuan.

Xie Lian smiled, "Yes, you should ask him." He paused and continued, "What is your name?"

Shi QingXuan carried his white bag with a leaf designed in the centre, behind his shoulder, corrected the strap that was twisted, and replied, "I'm Shi QingXuan. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to neet you too." Xie Lian said.

"What is your next class?" Shi QingXuan asked.

Xie Lian calmly replied, "Now I'll have mathematics."

"What?!" Shi QingXuan was flabbergasted, "Woah! Wow! Truly brilliant. You still study maths... Very good."

Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. He only shook his head and courteously replied, "Thank you."

"Mention not." Shi QingXuan said as he waved his hand, "Okay talk to you later."

Xie Lian too waved his hand, but both of them left the class together. And even walked along side, shoulder to shoulder, as both of them were heading to the architect department.

While on their way, they could frantically spot two figures, one in red and other in black.

Hua Cheng waved his hand from a distance and flashed a smile, "Gege~"

Xie Lian too waved his hand and smiled, "San Lang!"

As both the parties finally met, Shi QingXuan said, "Hello, I'm Shi QingXuan! Its nice to meet you San Lang and...."

"Ming Yi." The person in black from the tip of his toe to the strand of his hairs, that was ofcourse Ming Yi, finished the sentence for him.

Shi QingXuan laughed out, "Oho Hi Ming xiong!" Then he turned towards Xie Lian, "So, Class President you already know them?"

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