chapter 1

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~molly's pov~

I woke up at 6:25am, I had about 40 minutes to get ready and shower. I got up and walked into my bathroom. I brushed my hair and my teeth before starting a shower. I stripped down and got in after laying down my towels and my outfit for the day. After I was dried and dressed I walked downstairs and greeted my brother and father. My mom and my sister walked down together shortly after I did. I sat down and went on my phone. "He isn't going to text you, forget about him already" My sister, Madi said. "Don't be rude! That was her best friend" My mother said. Madi rolled her eyes and sat down with a huff. I didn't mean to be hung up on Brendon but, he was my best only friend.

After I drove to school with Madi and my brother Colby, I got out and walked inside. I was greeted my a crowd of people running to get to there class, boyfriends, girlfriends or whatever they were trying to do. I sighed and walked to my homeroom and sat down in my usual spot. "Don't get to comfy, we are getting a new seating chart" My homeroom teacher said. I groaned and got up as I watched the room fill with teens. Of course I had the same homeroom as Brendon and I just had a feeling I would be placed somewhere by him. He hated me now for some reason but I knew I would always love him. I looked down at my feet and waited for the final bell to ring so we could figure out where to sit. After the bell rang the teacher began to tell people where they would be sitting. "Molly you will be by Brendon" He said finally, my eyes went wide and my heart began to race. "Great" I heared Brendon growl. I sat down beside him and tried my hardest not to be too close to him. "Can I please change my seat" Brendon groaned. "No Mr.Urie, stay there and quit whining" The teacher said. I couldn't help but giggle a bit which made Brendon snap his head around to look at me. I gulped a bit and looked away from him and looked at a wall. I took a deep breath and looked at him. "Got a staring problem?" I said softly. "Cut the bullshit" Brendon said "Or you'll regret it" He added before he began to write.

Regret it? How..?  

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