chapter 5 - tw!drunk!abuse!blood

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What the hell was happening?

~molly's pov~

I walked into mine and my siblings house after dropping Sam off. When we all walked in I noticed broken glass, some blood, and a lot of beer bottles. I was now very nervous as I walked up the stairs slowly. I saw my mom on the floor by her phone bleeding out of her leg. Colby ran over to her and picked her up taking her outside. I saw dad was laying on the couch passed out. Me and Madison slowly walked to our mom's room and grabbed 4 suitcase's and 4 bags. I took two bags and two suitcase's and packed as much as I could from mine and Madison's room well she packed for Colby and Mom. After we were all packed up we walked into the living room to find our dad now awake and now he had a broken beer bottle in his hand looking at us with pure evilness. He looked like he wanted to harm us like there was no tomorrow. I quickly made Madi get out of there before turning back around only to feel a sharp pain in my stomach then...everything went black.

at the hospital

I woke up feeling someone holding my hand tightly. I looked up and saw my mother. Colby and Madison were sleeping in chairs on the other side of me. I smiled weakly before noticing someone at the door. I looked closer and saw Brendon. I gulped and looked away before him walking in. "H-Hey" he whispered. I was even more scared now. I felt like I was in danger all over again before I saw him sit down on the edge of my bed. I looked at him and saw pain and worry in his eyes. "I-I-I had no clue your father was like this. I always thought he was such a good father and that he would never harm you...and now look at you" He said rubbing my leg gently. I teared up at the touch, I missed him. "I would have never left you alone with him or bullied you if I knew this was happening...I am so sorry Molly" He said with a whimper letting a few tears fall. I tried sitting up and groaned softly in pain. "Shhhh, It's okay..I'll come to you" He said coming closer to me. He pulled me into a soft, gentle, and warm hug without hurting me or pulling my IV out. I smiled softly and hugged back then...we both just started to cry holding each other. Colby, Madi and my mom were now awake just watching.


I was just starting to walk again with the help of Brendon and Colby and sometimes Madi. I was still in a pain but not as much. I was doing a lot better now but I of course still needed help here and there but I was getting better. Soon I was home and being taken care of there. I preferred being at home, I was more comfortable there.

the talk

It had been a little over a week since everything happened. I was still in a lot of pain and needed a lot of help but I didn't like people helping me, it made me feel like they didn't want to care for me and I was just a burden. I had just woken up to Madison folding my clothes. "Good, your awake" She said with a smile. "Brendon wants to have a talk with you then mom might want to talk" She said before putting my clothes away and walking out. Brendon walked in a few minutes later with a tray and some food on it. He sat down the tray on my lap and sat down beside me. "I know...that you might still be scared of me or even hate me but I want us to be close again. I want to protect you..I want to be your best friend again" He stated with tears now pouring out of his eyes. I frowned and placed a hand on Brendon's leg and rubbed gently. "I think that can be arranged" I said through my smiled. His face lit up before he hugged me tightly.

later that night - time skip to graduation week.

I was trying to get some sleep before I had to go to school for our last week when I heard loud laughing and giggles. I groaned and knew Colby probably had friends over. I still could barely walk but I was getting better. 

~flash back~

It had been a month since I started recovery and I was trying to climb the stairs...alone but then I fell and broke a leg. It didn't help that I was in pain from everything that happened. I sobbed out and right at that moment my mom, Madison and Colby walked in. Brendon was at his house grabbing clothes to move in for a little bit. I was taken to the hospital and they helped the best they could but I still was in a lot of pain.

present day

I sat up the best I could and banged on the wall. "What?! Are you hurt?" I heard Colby say from the other side of the wall. "No but if you keep being loud I'll hurt you!" I yelled as I laid back down. I heard a knock on my door before my mom walked in. "Hey sweetie. I know you are trying to sleep but I am just checking on you to make sure you are ready for school" She said with a smile. I nodded and looked down at my cast and frowned. "How am I going to get around?" I asked well looking at the cast. "You have a wheelchair dear" She said softly. I groaned and threw my blanket over my face. "Honey, whats wrong?" She asked. "Getting around the school is going to be so hard...I want to walk again" I whined. " can barely walk...use the wheelchair tomorrow and after that we will figure something out" She said with soft eyes. I nodded and turned my lamp off. My mom kissed my head and walked out shutting the door. After she was gone I sighed and grabbed a pillow and held it close to my chest. I closed my eyes and let a few tears fall as I snuggled with my pillow before falling asleep.

next morning

I woke up at the same time I used to. I grabbed my wheelchair since it wasn't to far and pulled myself into it. I rolled to my dresser and grabbed the clothes Madison had laid out for me. It was a black skirt that was a little above the knee. She also picked out a red sweater. I sighed and shook my head before I called for her to help me get changed. She did then brushed my hair and did my makeup for me. I rolled into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and put in earrings. I grabbed my jacket, backpack and slipped on my one shoe. I waited for my siblings and best friend. Soon everyone was ready and we headed out, well...after everyone helped carry me down the stairs outside so we could walk/roll to school.

at school

when we arrived at school I had to get help going in. God I hated this but I knew they didn't mind helping me. Once I was inside I went to the front desk and asked for all my classroom door numbers. I also explained where I was for the past few months and they were very understanding. I was walked to my class by a teacher because Colby, Madison and Brendon had to get to class. Once I was in my first class of the day I noticed everyone was staring at me. I turned beat red and looked away putting my head slightly down.

What's wrong with people?


I am so sorry this is so long lol! I had writers block then it hit me during my second hour of school anyways, hope you like this!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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