2. 𝓞𝓾𝓽 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓞𝓵𝓭, 𝓘𝓷 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓝𝓮𝔀

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"I'll miss you so much Eth" Karter said as he wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a tight hug.

"Hey let me in on this!" Mya shouted jumping on the sofa in the living room and joining the hug

We were soon joined by Sawyer and Kami, before Mya pulled Kyle down as he grumbled about how "hugs were stupid"

When we broke apart Mya asked "so when do you leave?" "In a few minutes" Mya nodded a few tears falling down her face

"Take care of yourself okay, we don't need to get a call finding out you're back in the hospital" Kyle said and I nodded in agreement

"FaceTime everyday?" Kami asked and I responded "Yeah just remember there's a 5 hour time difference okay?" they all nodded and we wiped our tears as Alex comes in with Emily who immediately koala hugged me

"Don't go Ethy!, don't leave me!, I won't let you!" she cried and I gave her a soft smile running my fingers through her hair "it's okay I'll still call and write and I promise you'll get a present every birthday and I can always visit, please cheer up, I'll come back I promise" "pinky promise?" She held her pinky out to me and I wrapped it with mine "pinky promise" she gave me one last hug before Julian came in.

"Ethan it's time to go, we have a flight to catch" I just glared at him, I'm still not happy about him practically forcing me to go to another country but I can't do much about it now can I so I'm just gonna have to deal with it and he is just trying to honour his sister's last wish, I can't hold that against him

I picked up my burgandy rucksack and my small carry on that has my passport, wallet, phone, money and Hope's document's, she's allowed fly with me thanks to her being an emotional support animal

"Woah woah woah what's with the mutt? I never said I was adopting a dog too" Julian asked and I grunted "I won't leave without her, you can threaten me all ya like" Alex decided to help me one last time "Julian as you know Ethan has had some struggles in the past, Hope is an ESA and it would be in his best interest to keep her" Julian sighed "Fine let's go we're behind schedule" I hugged Alex one last time before we were in an uber and on our way to the airport

"Have you been out of Pennsylvania before?" Julian asked, wow his accent is weird "No, is Ireland much different?" "Yes, lots more green areas, different accents, different names for things like what's that there?" Julian pointed outside the window

"The sidewalk?" I asked confused "In Ireland that's called a path, and a trash can, that's called a bin, fries are chips and chips are crisps, to name a few" "That's weird"

We continued to make small talk and honestly this guy isn't that bad, we were soon sat on a huge plane, I had Hope on my lap as I petted her, I'm not gonna lie I'm anxious it's just I've never been on a plane and they go so high and I'm afraid something will go wrong

I felt Hope lick the pads of my fingers, she does this when she senses I'm distressed it's helped me stop my habit of scratching at my arms which I'm grateful for

Julian gave me the window seat, saying it's fun to watch us take off, I'm not so sure about that but I'll give it a chance


I hated it!, the take off was terrifying and the plane made so much noise, we've been in the air for about an hour and I just wanna go back home, I've never dealt well with small change so a huge change like this was overwhelming for me and the top it off the women behind me keeps tapping me to get my attention so I finally turned to her

"Do you need something?" I asked "That mutt should be in a cage" the middle aged women complained "She's an emotional support animal, she is allowed be with me" " It's disrespectful and rude, I'm allergic to dogs!" "well I'm so sorry about that but may I ask what's in your hand?" she looked at me confused "Salted peanuts why?" "well I just thought it was rude of you since I'm allergic to nuts" she just rolled her eyes "Karen calm down" the man next to her said and I smiled in thanks before turning back in my seat.

After a 7 hour flight we landed (which I also didn't enjoy) in Dublin Ireland, it's cold already so I pulled my white hoodie on and we drove in Julians car to his home in the city

It was quite a modern house and was a good size for a family home, it had a small frontyard where he parked the car apparently garages aren't as popular here, the house is a nice light shade of grey with white windows and a burnt orange roof

The door matched the colour of the roof and was soon opened by a young looking women, she had long black hair tied in a slicked back ponytail and her eyes were a pretty shade of golden brown, she dressed casual in a pair of light blue jeans and a white dress shirt.

"Heya you must be Ethan, I'm Catherine, Julians wife, it's nice to have you here, oh and who's this little one?" the women greeted me before noticing Hope "She's my dog Hope" Catherine smiled "She's a sweetheart, anyways the others are excited to meet you, you ready to head inside?" "The others?"

"You didn't tell him about the triplets?!" Catherine asked her husband "it slipped my mind" "Your children skipped your mind?" she rolled her eyes before turning to me "I meant your cousins, they're all the same age as you as they're triplets"

I turned to Julian confused "Aren't you my mom's younger brother" how could he have kids the same age and keep them if mom couldn't keep me "Yeah I am, the triplets are Catherine's from a previous relationship" I nodded "Well let's get on with it they've been waiting ages to meet you" I nodded and carried Hope inside the home

As soon as I walked in a knife was thrown just barely missing me and hitting the wall next to my head


Thanks for reading, as always I kindly ask you to please vote, read on and comment your opinions even if they sound rude tough love helps make better writers
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Xoxo CarahFarrell 💛💛💛

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