5.𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓼

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I woke up and my back and neck hurt like a bitch, my cold dinner still infront of me

"Ethan?" Doran walked in and I greeted him "Did you stay down here all night?" I nodded and he shook his head "Why didn't you just eat?" I decided I might as well tell him considering I told Enya

"I'm recovering from an eating disorder, Anorexia nervosa, sometimes I fall back into old habits" I said with my head down, I've struggled with this for so long and it's still hard to admit I have an ED

"Does da know?" Doran and I nodded and he sighed "He doesn't always deal with things that well, a few years ago he found out I used to cut myself, instead of helping he yelled at me about how stupid I was, but my ma gave him a reality check" He said and I looked up at him surprised

"You hurt yourself?" "I wasn't in a great place mentally but I'm much better now, I see a therapist weekly" I could tell he was afraid of my reaction so I slowly built up the confidence to lift my left sleeve showing white lines littered across it "I used to do it too" I mumbled and he smiled lightly "It's nice knowing I'm not alone" "me too" we hugged, I think I'll get along well with Doran he knows a little bit more of how I feel

The rest of the morning I didn't talk much, I ate half an apple for breakfast after Doran convinced me, I also had a glass if orange juice, I love orange juice.

The walk to the school was almost daunting, they don't take buses here and if they do it's the public bus, no school bus.

And the schools are nothing like the one's in Pennsylvania, the one we're at has just one story, there was a soccer pitch at the side which is apparently football here, and a huge field behind it where we do PE which is gym class and sports day once a year.

We had student Id's called swipe cards, we tap them on a credit card like machine and it opens the front doors for us, the car park is small and only used by teachers since students can't drive until they're 18 and most graduate by that time.

When we first got in I was handed a timetable and was told to go to reg class which is basically an 8 minute homeroom, out tutor Mr Clegg does the register and we can talk until the bell rings, I was in Enya's reg, so I sat beside her at the back left corner, immediately the two girls infront of us turned around.

"Enya who's that?" The blonde asked pointing to me "This is my cousin Ethan, Ethan this is Jenny and Ashley" Jenny has long blonde hair tied into a ponytail and blue eyes, Ashley has short brown hair and brown eyes, we all wore the same uniform minus the girls having kilts, we wore white dress shirts, navy ties and navy sweaters with the school crest on the top left, the girls wore navy and grey plaid kilts and I wore grey dress pants, the school also had a rule of only black shoes so I wore my black airforces.

"Hey nice to meet you, how come Enya never talks about you?" Jenny asked and I replied "I'm from America, her family has just adopted me, after my mom died" I slightly cringed at the word mom

"That's so cool what part?" Ashley asked "Pennsylvania"

We continued to make small talk before the bell rang and we were dismissed to our first class, according to my timetable I had English first.

It wasn't hard to find room 3 as all of the doors were numbered, I had this class alone according to Enya so I'm obviously nervous but gladly when u entered I saw a familiar face

"Well hi stranger" Saoirse said waving to me before continuing "Come sit next to me" and I did we were in the middle at the very back "fancy seeing you here" I said laughing slightly "So how's Hope?" "She's great she was tired yesterday Tayto must've tired her out" I said as I took out a copy and pen "Maybe we should meet up with them today, say 5pm?" She asked and I nodded just as a tall blonde woman walked in "Okay everyone let's get started on Wuthering Heights"

So far I actually like this school sure I miss my friends but I could get used to no bullies but it's sorta weird everyone at school has been staring almost fearfully at me, Enya, Collin and Doran, even the teacher's, I asked the other's about it and they just shrugged it off as if they didn't notice

Maybe I'm just paranoid
That has to be it right
I hope so
I don't need anymore shit right now

After school I once again went to the dog park with Saoirse, me and her are getting close, I hope it lasts she's the only friend I have so far, I think I'll face time Alex tonight I wanna see my friends and Emily.

Thanks for reading as always I kindly ask you to please vote and read on and comment any opinions or criticism

Do you think Saoirse's intentions are good?

Why do you think the school is scared of Ethan and his cousins?

Do you think Ethan will find a new friend group?

See y'all next Friday
CarahFarrell 💛💛💛

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