7. 𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓻

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I closed my eyes as he got closer, I was sure he was about to kill me, but I felt nothing but a comforting warmth, I opened my emerald eyes to see a globe like barrier around me, it looked like fire but it was warm

"Ethan!?" I heard Julian shout him and the horse, man thing stood next to him

"Ethan drop the barrier" he said and I looked confused at him "What do you mean?, I'm not doing this, this isn't possible" "Look Ethan I'll explain just try to drop the barrier"

I noticed my heart was racing and tried to calm down, I slowed my breathing and the barrier lowered along with the rapid beating of my heart

"Good job, follow me" Julian said, the door now open, and I cautiously walked past the horse?

On the other side of the door was a gym like room, it had black training mats, boxing bags, mirrors, and lots of weapons on the walls ranging from knifes to bow and arrows to guns

"Heyyy did you tell the fledgling?, a bit scrawny ain't he" A tall man filled with muscles said walking up to us, he has dark black hair and teal eyes, he was wearing black sweatpants and a white tank top

"No I'm gonna explain now anyways, Ethan this is Griffin our trainer, Griffin this is my nephew Ethan Wes" Griffin held out his hand and shook mine "Nice to meet you, sorry about my last comment but we can get you strong in no time" "Uh he has an eating disorder um what's it called again?" Julian asked and I rolled my eyes "Anorexia nervosa"

Griffin smiled "My sister was the same, she's recovered now, are you recovering?" I smiled back and nodded "Anyways we better get going"

Me and Julian walked to a room in the back it was pretty much the same as Alex's office, we sat opposite sides of the desk and I started mess with a rubix cube from the desk

"Ethan this is gonna be alot to take in, I was hoping it wouldn't affect you but if you don't wanna know you can go back to your room and pretend this never happened?" I shook my head "The curiosity would kill me" "curiosity killed the cat"

He sighed "Do you know why your mother left you?" I nodded "she got pregnant young and her mom told her to take care of it, and she left me" I finished and shook his head "They gave you that bullshit story huh?"

"What do you mean?" "Ethan, your mother did get pregnant young but her and your father were trying to have a child, they wanted you, but my world, our world is dangerous and she tested you, you didn't have warriors blood, so she felt you'd be safer with someone else and gave you up for adoption, your father was furious not wanting to lose his son so they split and we never seen him again, anyways it seems something must have been blocking the warrior blood because you are very clearly like us"

"What do you mean like us?" I asked "The deamhanta laochra which is Irish in English it means the demonic warriors, we were gifted with powers of elements in order to fight demons that enter our world, I'm gifted with earth powers, you're gifted with fire, a rare one at that and there's a small chance you have more, some fire warrior's do"

"The horse, guy, is he a demon?" I asked and Julian shook his head no "Reggie is a Pooka, a shapeshifter, he protects the entrance which is why he attacked you" I nodded "There's only one question left for you Ethan"

"What?" I asked and he looked at me seriously "Will you join our fight?"

"No! You're all psycho, this can't be real"

I ran out of the room and back through the passageway all the way to the front door, I opened it and fled, I still had no shoes but I didn't care I just had to get away from these nut jobs, I'd come back for Hope when I have a weapon or the cops with me

"Ethan?" I turned to see Saoirse wearing blue jeans and a long sleeve black top, "Oh Hi Saoirse" I said walking to sit next to her on the curb "What are you doing out here so late Ethan and with no shoes or coat?, you're gonna freeze!" I laughed "Just some normal family issues is all" she smiled "I wouldn't call them normal issues Ethan, most kids wet the bed, you burn yours"

My eyes widened as her eye's turned a bright purple and her teeth became razor sharp

I immediately tried to run but she pinned me to the sidewalk her left hand had an iron grip on my wrists while her right put pressure on my neck

"I've been playing the good girl for so loooong I think I deserve to make a meal out of you laochra" I was running out of air fast so I did the reasonable thing and grabbed a piece of broken glass from the road and stabbed it as hard as I could into her stomach

She released me and doubled over in pain, I took my chance and ran, I noticed the sidewalk burning under my feet but I couldn't care less about my so called gifts right now

I thought I was safe until I felt sometimes around my ankle, it was like some kind of tar that I couldn't free myself from it's grip, I could see that Saoirse was controlling it

All of a sudden Saoirse was stabbed in the chest my an icicle, I looked behind me to see Enya was the one who through it, close behind her was Collin and Doran, Collin immediately came up to me and blew? the tar away

"Come on we need to get to safety" I hesitated, do I wanna be apart of this world?

"Ethan it's us or the demons, you choose" Collin said and I sighed, I'll be apart of it either way so I might as well pick my side

"Let's go" I said and they smiled

Thanks for reading as always I kindly ask you to please vote and read on and comment any opinions or criticism

Do you think Ethan chose the right side?

Do you think fire is his only gift?

Were you surprised by Saoirse?

Do you think Saoirse will return?

Do you think Ethan can accept his true family?

Thanks for reading
Xoxo CarahFarrell 💛💛💛

This Means Family//Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now