8. 𝓢𝓮𝓽𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴

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"We understand you've been through alot in the past few hours but we really need you to choose, will you join us or leave us?, keep in mind there's demons all over the world, even your home there's no way to avoid them" Julian explained and I thought about it

It's either flight or fight, I can either run from demons my whole life or I can learn to defend myself and the people around me, plus I don't wanna keep burning things

"Okay....I'll join" I finally spoke "Really!" Enya said seeming happy and I nodded and decided to explain my decision "It's either I fight with you or be killed by those things so it's pretty obvious which anybody would choose"

And that's how it starts, I've now got a brand new schedule

6am jog with Hope, Collin and Doran
7am get ready for school and make sure to eat breakfast
8am-4pm school
4.30 training
6.30 dinner
7.30 homework
8.30 Night routine
10.30 lights out

So yeah I'm pretty busy now, although I like the morning jogs, I wasn't allowed much exercise before due to my eating disorder but I phoned my doctor and got permission to as long as I continue my progress

I've been doing well in training these past 3 weeks according to Griffin and he said he has a surprise for me today

It's the weekend luckily so no school, Saoirse hasn't been in school since Enya stabbed her but according to her there's no way a demon could die from just a stab wound

Speaking of Enya I found out her power is Ice, Collin's is Wind and Doran's is Water, Catherine has control over animals, she can even control Hope

Anyways I walked downstairs and greeted Reggie at the door, he's alot nicer when he's not trying to kill you

"Hi Reggie how are you?" I asked "I'm good fledgling, business is usual" I laughed and he opened the door for me, they all call me fledgling now, I googled what it meant and they're either calling me a baby bird or immature/inexperienced, I'm gonna guess it's the latter

"Where's Griffin?" I asked Collin who was kicking the shit out of a boxing bag, "In the weapons room, he wants you to join him there" I nodded and walked through the door that was on the left of the training room

Inside the walls are covered in weapons, some I've never seen before, Griffin was standing in the centre waiting for me

"Hey Fledgling, about time you made it, anyways as I said I have a surprise, you've seen the other's fighting with weapons right?" I nodded "Yeah Enya uses nunchucks, Collin uses daggers and Doran uses a sword"

"Yep so I thought today it's about time you got to choose yours, everyone has 2 but as you see they usually prefer 1 over the other but it's always good to have a back up so choose 2" I nodded and looked around

"How do I choose?" I asked, there's so many "You'll feel a connection to it, trust yourself and your instincts" I nodded and ran my fingers over a sword, but I didn't really like any, so I moved onto the nunchucks and daggers, nothing, then the guns again nothing

I then went over to a bow ,the arrows laid next to it, it had intricate designs carved into the top and bottom limbs, they're both a dark brown while the grip is black

"This one" I said and Griffin nodded "Okay one more and you're done" I passed over the whips and Axes and Hammers I didn't like any of them same with the spears and staffs

I eventually found the Katanas I didn't like any of them until I seen one, it had a red handle with golden swirls decorating it along with the matching Sheath, I was beautiful, I picked it up and started to unsheath it, revealing the metal blade, I jumped when small flames danced along the blade

"That katana channel's powers and helps you fight with them, a smart choice for a weapon" I smiled, and nodded happy with my new weapons

"What is the runt doing here?" as I left the weapons room I seen Doran's girlfriend Aoife, who is also like us, she has shapeshifting kinda like Reggie, she's only met me once and doesn't like me, I don't know why but according to Collin she's jealous because I'm apparently more powerful than her

"Aoife you know he lives and trains here too right?" Doran said and she scoffed "Can't you just put him back in the lost boys home or something?" "It's called an orphanage" I said messing with an arrow head

"Ethan! Butt out of this" Doran said and I growled "Than don't talk about me dumbass" He can be such a bitch when she's around "Oh I'm dumb, at least I can eat like a normal human being and not cut myself up like a damn piece of meat!" I looked at him betrayed and he himself looked shocked by what he said.

"Ethan I-" "Save it! You asshole I told you that because I trusted you, I thought you had some sort of morals but apparently I was wrong, have fun with your pet snake Jackass" I stormed out and back to my room, I know he cuts too but I wouldn't stoop to the same level of outing him

I picked up Hope who immediately started licking my tears away trying to cheer me up

"It's okay Hope, I don't need him right, I have you and Enya and Collin and Reggie and Griffin, who needs him?"

Knock knock

"Who is it?" I asked "Collin" "Come in" he came in with a disappointed face and sat at the end of my bed "I'm really sorry, Doran had no right to say any of that, he always gets a little airheaded when she's around, like he forgets right from wrong" I nodded

"It's fine" I said even though it wasn't "It was pretty funny though, the way you held your own" I smiled and he continued "So a bow and arrow and a katana?, weird combo but smart when you think of it, you have one for long range and another for close up"

We continued talking for awhile before Collin left to train, I didn't feel like training today, Doran's words were still swirling in my head

Is that what he really thinks of me?
Is that what they all really think of me?
If Doran's kindness was all a charade who's to say they all aren't acting?

My thoughts started to get darker and darker, I thought about calling home but I didn't want to burden them, maybe Doran is right, all I ever do is hurt myself so why not?, it would stop these thoughts and I'm helping prove Doran's point

I walked to the bathroom and got my spare razor, once I got the blade out I took a deep breath and....

Thanks for reading as always I kindly ask you to please vote and read on and comment any opinions or criticism

Do you like Ethan's weapons?

What do you think Saoirse is up too?

Were you surprised by Doran and Aoife?

Do you think Ethan will be okay?

Thanks for reading
Xoxo CarahFarrell 💛💛💛

This Means Family//Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now