Toko x Komaru Part 2

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Komaru POV: ¨When me and Genocide were fighting a Monokuma we found near the park Syo was injured and laying in front of me. When I was trying to see if she was ok the Monokuma took my weapon and I then realized I had a knife. But when I threw it at the Monokuma it deflected it and almost hit Syo...but then she hit it with her scissors and has been mad about it ever since...¨

Toko POV: I stared at her for a second then then looked down as I felt myself beginning get angry...but just then, Komaru pushed my chin up to meet her eyes and smiled ¨Im fine you dont need to get all grumpy¨ She giggled playfully then poked me in the side of my stomach. I flinched and jumped reflexively, Komaru laughed and once again said, ¨Catch me if you can!¨ She then began running to our room mad that she poked me I began chasing after her.

Komaru POV: As I was running from Toko I almost tripped but was able to catch myself and keep running, I glanced behind me and surprisingly Toko wasn't very far away I then looked forward once more and I can see the room, so close! I turned around fully and stuck my tongue out at Toko, and the next thing I knew, *thud* I was on the floor cause I tripped

Toko POV: I watched as Komaru fell to the ground realizing im so close I cant stop! The next thing I heard and felt *thud* didn't hurt..? I was laying on something squishy I then looked down to see what I was laying on only to see.. ¨K-Komaru?!¨ I felt my face growing hot, bushing.

Komaru POV: As I looked up at Toko I also began blushing realizing we were chest to chest I then looked away. Toko quickly stood up running to the bathroom and slamming the door behind her. I also got up and walked to the bedroom looking in the mirror, sure enough, i looked like a ripe tomato. In the mirror behind me I saw Toko walking to the kitchen I then threw on my panda pajamas and skipped out to the kitchen.

Toko POV: I heard a noise behind me so I glanced back to see Komaru skipping into the kitchen with her really cute panda pajamas, I blushed slightly and cleared my throat ¨S-So what would y-you like f-for dinner O-Omaru?¨ She thought for a moment before saying ¨Tuna Eyeballs!¨I resisted the urge to vomit ¨¨ Komaru then began giving me puppy dog eyes ¨Pwweeaasseeee??¨ Komaru said looking at me expectantly, I sighed and facepalmed ¨F-Fine you w-weirdo..¨ I began to cook her Tuna Eyeballs, ill make myself something else

                                           (After Toko cooked the food)

Komaru POV: As Toko set down the food in front of me I started drooling as I was looking at the Tuna Eyeballs, I looked up at Toko ¨Thank you so much Toki!¨ I said before I started digging in.

Toko POV: I facepalm as I watch Komaru begin to messily eat the food I then reach for my bowl of cereal as i was to lazy to make myself anything after cooking Komaru that disgusting meal.

                                               (After dinner)

Toko POV: As I was walking out of the kitchen I seen Komaru grabbing a bunch of pillows and blankets and setting them in the middle of the dining room. I stood there confused she then looked up at me and smiled ¨Im making a blanket fort wanna help?¨ I smiled back slightly and nodded walking over to her.

Komaru POV: As Toko walked over I explained to her what she needs to do. She nodded and began pulling out chairs as I began grabbing snacks. After Toko pulled the chairs out and I grabbed snacks we started to put the blankets over and around the table using chairs for stability when, *knock knock knock* Me and Toko both glanced over at the door ¨I-Ill get i-it¨ Toko said as she walked over to the door and opened it only to see Byakuya standing there.

Toko POV: As I opened the door I seen.. ¨M-Master Byakuya!!¨ I said falling to the floor. He watched me fall before saying ¨Hello Toko, he then stepped over me and walked over to Komaru ¨Komaru,¨ he then glances at me then back at Komaru ¨How has her...erm...personality changing been going?¨

Byakuya POV: Toko is just ugh..but I have to remind myself Future Foundation wants me to do this. Komaru thought for a moment then said, ¨Its only happened once in the last 10 hours soooooo-¨ I nodded and wrote that down on my sheet and walked towards the door and stopped in the doorway looking back at Komaru ¨Thank you for the information I will be leaving now¨ I said before leaving and shutting the door behind me.

Komaru POV: I walked over to Toko helping her up ¨Why do you even like him hes such a jerk..¨ I say pouting a little Toko ignores my question and goes back to setting up the fort. ¨Okkk thenn¨ I say walking over there as well, I crawl underneath and I begin setting up more blankets and pillows. Toko crawls under too carrying the snacks and she slides them over to me and i turn on a movie as we both lay down there watching a movie, eating snacks, and being comfy.

                                              (1 hour later)

Toko POV: I go to say something but stop as I look over and see a sleeping Komaru, I smile and lay down also falling asleep.

                                            To be continued...

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