Toko x Komaru Part 3

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Toko POV: I wake up looking around at my surroundings before rubbing my eyes then sitting up. I reach for my glasses then put them on my face and my vision becomes clearer. As I look beside me after realizes a strange sensation wrapped around my arm. I see Komaru hugging my arm, I blush getting flustered. I nudge her attempting to get her off my arm, ¨No...Toko..Stapphhh..¨ I hear her say in her sleep hugging my arm tighter. I shake my head blushing more before slowly sliding my arm out of her grip and crawling out to make breakfast. As I start grabbing the pans, I was thinking about what had just happened. As i was staring off into space I accidentally dropped on of the pans *clank!* I looked at the fort hoping I didn't wake Komaru up.

Komaru POV: As I hear a big noise in the kitchen I jump to consciousness and crawl out as I meet eyes with Toko I take a sigh of relief. I smile at her and crawl out of the fort. ¨G-Good morning   O-Omaru im s-sorry if I w-woke you up..¨ I giggle a little ¨Its fine and good morning to you too¨ Toko slightly smiles back at me. ¨Also why did you leave when i was hugging your arm?¨ I say as I pout, her face seems to get redder than it already was ¨Y-You knew a-about that?!¨ I nod happily giggling at her response.

Toko POV: Im surprised she knew I thought she just was doing that in her sleep. ¨Well I woke up in the middle of the night and you were asleep and i was cold sooo-¨ I cover my red face in response to the I hear Komaru laugh ¨Sh-Shut up!¨ When I uncover my face I see that Komaru is gone ¨O-Omaru?¨ I look around and then I hear ¨Im getting dressed hang on!¨ I make a sigh of relief ¨O-Ok!¨ I get up and begin to continue making breakfast.

Komaru POV: As I am sliding on my outfit I almost slip and fall, again. *thud* Oops ¨A-Are you o-ok?!¨ I realized I caught myself but that made a thud. ¨Im fine! Just almost slipped¨ after I said that I heard Toko mutter from outside the door ¨G-God..shes s-so clumsy..¨ I nod in agreeance and smile, then I continue getting dressed.

                             (After both girls got dressed)

Komaru POV: Hmm..I wanna go to the park. I looked over at Toko who was sitting on the couch next to me watching TV. ¨Hey Toki?¨ She looked over at me as well, ¨Y-Yeah?¨ ¨I was just wondering of you wanted to go to the park with me?¨ Toko thought for a second before nodding. I smiled and we both got our shoes on and began walking to the park.

                              (When they get to the park)

Toko POV: We both sat down on the bench watching little kids play on the playground. ¨They look so cute!!¨ I nodded looking at the few kids that were running around having fun. I then felt a strange sensation gently lay on my shoulder, as I glanced over I was met face to face with Komaru and I blushed quickly looking away. ¨Sorry im just kinda tired¨ Komaru giggled quietly. ¨I-Its fine i-im sorry for w-waking you u-up..¨ I felt Komaru quickly peck my cheek so I glanced over at her once more. I was met with her smiling face, god shes so adorable. I unknowingly smiled and blushed. 

Komaru POV: As me and Toko were face to face I saw her slowly begin leaning in as if she was about to kiss me. I blushed and did the same. Until we heard and saw something we never expected to see again...

                                        To be continued...

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