Chapter 7: Triple Threat Chapter

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Having a famous husband, sucks.

Living in a house with three other 24 year olds and a 3 year old, sucks.

And my doctor appointment, the best day of my life.

So it's been about five months since we found out about the baby, and here is where all of this started.


The Famous Husband:

Luke opened up my side of the car and took my hand smiling. We walked into the resteraunt and sat down at the table the waitress led us to.

"I'm glad we finally get to spend some time together hun, it seems like forever since i've ever seen you with everything going on," Luke and I had the first five minute conversation we'd had in a long time.

"Can I take your order?" The waitress asked. We finished ordering just as I heard Luke's ringtone go off. He looked down at his phone and answered it. It was Veronica. I don't know why but I just don't like her. I know she's Luke's manager and all but something about her just doesn't seem right. The fact that she called Luke during our first date in months wasn't helping it either.

"Hey Veronica!...Nothing much i'm just out with Taylor...No I didn't hear about that."

And that phone call continued, and continued, until the waitress came back with the check.

"I have to go Ronnie, i'll see you at the studio tomorrow," Ronnie...really? He clicked end on his phone and looked up at my clearly frustrated face. "I am so sorry darling she was just telling me about..."

"Frankly I could care less Luke. You were on the phone the whole time, I thought you were gonna take me out and we'd have a nice time."

"I know but Veronica just needed to talk to me about work, just calm down."

"And I don't like you talking to her so much."

"Taylor she's my manager."

I rolled my eyes at his short but true statements. Didn't mean I wasn't still mad, "Whatever."

Luke payed and we walked out of the resteraunt, well almost.

"You're Luke Bryan right?" Spoke a deep southern voice behind us. We turned around and saw the man speaking, "I'm Gary Fisher."

"Nice to meet you man," Luke said shaking his hand.

"I saw your performance at the Nashville Country Music Festival, and I see you going big places," He spoke in his thick southern accent.

This conversation went on...

For 2 hours.

Finally he told Luke to give him a call, handed him his card, and they shook one more time before Gary walked off. Luke looked back at me, where I was crossing my arms and staring him down with the angriest glance I could manage.


"Save it Luke."

We drove home in complete and utter silence. When we had finally gotten home, I marched up the stairs and Luke followed closely behind me. When I got in the room, I grabbed a pillow and blanket and shoved them against his chest.

"Sleep well Thomas," I uttered, then slammed the door in his face. Even though I was still seriously pissed, I knew it wasn't his fault, so when I finished getting ready for bed, I walked back down stairs. Luke was asleep on the couch so I laid in his arms. Apparently he wasn't completely asleep because he pulled me in closer and pressed his nose against the top of my head, "I'm still mad at you," I whispered before relaxing and falling asleep.

As I said before...It sucks having a famous husband


Living in a house with three other 24 year olds and a 3 year old:

I got out of the front seat, finished with the grocery shopping, and grabbed all the bags I could in one arm and Nathan in the other. I loved the kid and Chrissy to death, but ever since Chrissy moved in i've been spending more time with Nate than she was. I barely managed to get out my keys and walk in the door before I saw Maddie on top of some guy on the living room couch. They hadn't stopped kissing until I cleared my throat and Madds quickly bounced up.

"Hey Tay!" she said fixing herself,"Oh my lord Taylor you're five months pregnant you can't be carrying all that!" she quickly grabbed Nathan and half the bags from my hands.

"Who's this?" I asked gesturing to the guy slightly judgmentally, but as soon as he stood up and straightened himself out, I saw his true attractiveness and gave a wink to Maddie showing her it.

"I'm James, you're Taylor or Chrissy?" he said, obviously he's known Maddie for a while.

"Taylor," I said smiling. "So how long have you known Maddie." We've been so busy I haven't even gotten the chance to talk to Maddie about her love life.

"Almost a month," He said, looking back at Madds and smiling as she put up the groceries.

'Yet this is the first i'm hearing of him.' I thought to myself. Something was up. We had been busy but she was still my best friend.

"Tayber up," I heard Nathan speak from the floor. He couldn't say Taylor, so he always called me Tayber, and he always said up when he wanted to be picked up, so I grabbed him, said bye to James and Maddie, and walked upstairs to my room to change. When I walked in the room, there was crumpled up paper all over the floor and Luke fast asleep on the bed with his guitar next to him.

You've got to be kidding me. Luke was a slob, but never this bad. I put Nathan in Chrissy and his room and continued to clean up out room which took a ridiculously long time to do.

As I said in a house with three other 24 year olds and a 3 year old sucks.


The Doctor Appointment:

I rolled out of bed ready for one of the best days of my life. I was finding out the gender of Luke and I's first baby. I showered, looking down at my stomach, brushed my teeth and hair, and changed into a loose black maternity t-shirt and loose jeans. I walked out of the bathroom to Luke who was already up.

"Someone's looking sexy today," Luke smiled seductively in his deep alluring morning voice while embracing my waist. He leaned in and kissed me but I pulled away before he could take it anywhere.

"Luke please hurry i'm really anxious," I told him.

"Yeah i'm going," Luke said stepping into the bathroom.

I walked out of the bedroom and Chrissy and Maddie were waiting for me. We all screamed in unison and I grasped them in a hug. I couldn't ask for better friends. Since Chriss had dropped Nathan off at Desiree's house, they could both go with Luke and I. Once everyone was situated, we got in Luke's truck and he drove to the baby doctor. He still rested his hand on my leg like he always did when we were alone in the car but this time it got a few 'oohs' from Chriss and Madds.

After waiting for about half an hour, my name was called and I held Luke's hand as we walked in the room. The doctor immediately got me on the table with the gel on my swollen stomach.

"Are you ready Mrs. Bryan?" she asked. I nodded my head and she ran the detector along my belly. After a few minutes, she had found what she was looking for, although I hadn't understood what was on the screen.

"Well there it is," she gasped.

"Please tell me it's a girl," I prayed.

"Please tell me it's a boy," Luke hoped.

"Actually, Thomas and Taylor, you're having one of each."

As I said before, my doctor's appointment was the best day of my life.

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