Chapter 13: Meeting (and smacking) Veronica

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He pulled me over to Veronica. She was about Luke's height, so much taller then me, with short dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. She was very thin and was wearing a short white dress. Way to make me feel insecure Luke.

"Taylor this is Veronica. Ronnie, Taylor," he smiled.

"Nice to meet you," She said holding out her hand to me. She was perfect, and look at me. A huge stomach, swollen ankles, and tired eyes. I swallowed my pride and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you too." I fake smiled.

"Luke's told me so much about you, how are you going with the twins and all?" she asked like she actually cared.

"Well you know, the nausea, swollen feet, back pains, it really sucks," I laughed.

"Oh don't I know it, with my first son I was barely out of the bathroom," she said. With a body like she had it was hard to believe she ever had a child stretching out her insides. I almost felt like dying looking down at my giant stomach. "Anyways, Lukey we need to get ready for the show, it was nice to meet you Taylor," she said again.

"Wa-wa-wait...did you just call him Lukey?" I asked feeling sort of threatened. It's not usual I'd snap on something like that, but these pregnancy hormones have changed something in me.

"Oh, that's just something, I, call Luke."

"Yeah me too, but ya know, he's my husband so I can pretty much call him anything I want," I said with a sarcastic laugh.

"I'm sorry I didn't know that'd make you uncomfortable, I can stop if it would make you feel more secure," she said. Secure? How dare she feel the need to make me secure. Okay, I can't get angry, with these hormones who knows what would happen if I got angry. I smiled and told her,

"Don't worry about it, nice to meet you," and with that she walked away.

"She's great didn't I tell ya?" Luke said as if he didn't just see what happened. I rolled my eyes and walked away. "What did I do?"


"And now ladies and gentlemen, the man himself and my favorite new client playing his first single All My Friends Say, Luke Bryan!" Veronica smiled from the stage. Even her saying his name makes me cringe. The guitar and drums started playing as everyone crowded around and somehow my pregnant belly got James, Maddie and I to the front of the people who had gathered. I was excited because I've only heard him sing when he serenades me without any instruments besides his guitar.

"I got smoke in my hair,

my clothes thrown everywhere,

woke up in my rocking chair,

holding a beer in my hand,

sportin' a neon tan."

As he sang the song it took me back to when we were in college. He looked at me smiling and winking and I smiled back at him holding a thumbs up.

After he ended the song, he looked happier when everyone cheered than any other round of applause he'd ever gotten at any bar.

"Thank y'all for comin' out tonight it means a lot. I'd like to thank everyone here, the band, Veronica and the whole company for makin' my dreams come true, and most importantly my wife, Taylor, I love you baby and this wouldn't have been possible without you," he winked at me again, "and here's to one hell of a night we're gonna have." He shouted before throwing his fist in the air and everyone cheered once more. In my 22 years I've only seen him happier one time.
I felt tears well up as I took my dads arm. My dad rarely cries and I even saw him let some tears go today.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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