Chapter 4: Veronica

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"Well this is it." I smiled squeezing his hand as the five minute timer on my phone went off. I gave Luke a kiss and put my hand on the doorknob and walked in. I picked up the pregnancy test with my eyes closed, and when I opened them I saw the rest of my life in one little stick,

A positive sign.


I was so in shock that I had no idea what to say. I felt Luke slip his arms around my waist and rest his head on my shoulder. I turned around and just hugged him. I stepped away and looked into his eyes.

"Luther, you've given me everything i've ever wanted in life, I can't thank you enough," I started to tear up and he lifted me up, kissing me long and gently.

"Taylor I don't know what to say. Having a baby with the love of my life, even getting to kiss you makes me the happiest man alive," I smiled back at him, and for a moment it was peaceful, but then I remembered...

"Oh my goodness Luke! We have to tell Maddy and Carter and Chrissy, and we have to tell my parents and LeClaire, do they even know about your record deal yet, and what are we going to do about that?" I paced around the bedroom franticly, "Are you just going to be at work all the time? How are we going to have a baby if your working on your music? Oh I have to go get all those pregnancy pills, we have to make a nursery and have a baby shower and,"

"Good Lord Taylor calm down baby, were going to get through this we always do," To be honest if he didn't interrupt me then I don't think I would've ever stopped. There's just so much to do, a baby is a lot of work and I don't think Luke knows that. I took a deep breath and held onto him. His phone vibrated in his pocket so I slipped it out and saw a message from Carter and one from a girl I didn't know named Veronica. 

Carter's text was just about hanging out later, but the text from the girl Veronica almost made my heart stop beating.


Bet ya didnt expect to hear from me :P Because of some of the messages from you guys I decided to keep the book going and I apoligize for the super short chapter but I wanted to leave it at a bit of a cliffhanger.

Comment who you think Veronica is, and is Luke gonna get his butt dumped because of it? We'll have to wait until I stop procrastinating and write a chapter to find out.

Lots of Love ^-^ Lexi

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