Chapter 3: Keep Trying

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Chapter 2-Luke's POV

"Luke honey?" I heard Taylor say. I must've dosed off.

"Anyways I have some news for you." The doctor spoke gently.

I held onto Taylors hand and she squeezed mine.

"Taylor is not pregnant."


Taylor's POV

I sat in awe about what the doctor had just said. I was so ready...'we' were so ready. I looked at the doctor, to my stomach, then at Luke.

"I'm not." I trembled. Luke held onto my hand and rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Bryan." She said giving me a pity frown and a pat on the shoulder. "There is some good news though." The good news would be that I was pregnant, but I'm not, so what could possibly be 'good news'.

"You can definetley get pregnant though, and now would be the time to do it, if you two are ready. All your results look good and you seem like a couple who is up for that challenge." She smiled. I looked at Luke and he looked back at me.

"Could you give us a second?" I asked the doctor. She nodded and left. I turned back to Luke and couldn't figure out what he was feeling. "Are we really ready Luke? You heard her babies are a big responsibility. We're 24, we have three other people living in our house, your career taking off, and we,"

"Are ready," He cut me off, "We were ready before we knew if you were pregnant and we're ready now. Don't you remember what you said in the car, that's all true. I'm ready to have a baby with you Taylor Chrysler Bryan."

"And I'm ready to have a baby with you Thomas Luther Bryan." I giggled as he rolled his eyes at his full name. He grabbed my hand and led us out the door of the office, into the truck, and back home. When we opened the front door he pushed me on the couch and kissed my neck. Things were getting pretty heated when I heard footsteps decending from the stairs. We quickly stood up and clicked on the tv. Chrissy and Nathan walked down the stairs.

"Like I don't know what y'all were doing." She laughed. "I'm going to the store y'all need any thing?"

"Some privacy," Luke whispered to me.

"No thanks Chris." I yelled as she walked out the door.

"Now where were we." Luke spoke in a seductive voice as he climbed on top of me and kissed me again. Like last time, things were getting pretty heated and as he started stretching off my shirt, there was a knock at the door. I bursted in laughter and Luke groaned disappointed. I pulled down my shirt as he stood up to answer the door. It was Carter.

"Really bro what in the hell do you want?" He exclaimed rubbing his forehead.

"Woah man calm down I just wanted to know if y'all wanted to celebrate the record deal tonight."

"Sure what time." I jumped up off the couch and smiled.

"Oh Taylor didn't see you there, tonight at 7 that cool?"

"Yeah but I'm bringing Maddie." His eyes widened and he shook his head. Neither of them had gotten over each other and they avoided each other at all cost.

"Cmon Carter it'd be good for you two. Maybe you could use some of that charm to win her back." I winked at him and he ran a hand through his hair.

"Fine but I'm not promising anything romance is going to happen." He sighed, gave Luke a bro hug, and left.

"Finally." Luke said pressing his back against the door and hanging his head. "Now if there aren't any more interruptions." He smiled at me and grabbed my hand, leading me to our bedroom. He closed the door and pushed me up against the wall and kissed me, then my neck, and started unbuttoning my shirt.
I rolled over to face him, gave him a short kiss, then looked over at the clock shining the time, 7:45.

"Luke get up." I almost shouted. He rolled over and looked at the clock as well and jumped up. We both got ready and were out of the house by 8. The whole time we were driving over Luke had his hand on my knee. It always relaxes me when he does that.

When we walked in everybody cheered and patted Luke on the back. I felt as if I was pushed to the back as every one crowded around him. I saw Maddie and Chrissy at the other side of the living room and walked over to them.

"Hey Tay." They exclaimed.

"Want a drink?" Chrissy asked pointing towards the alcohol table. As I was about to accept, I thought about how I could be pregnant.

"Um no thanks."

"Taylor declines a drink, I thought this day would never come." Maddie spoke nudging my arm, "c'mon there's cranberry vodkas." She winked at me.

"Maybe later." I rejected. I looked over at Luke and saw him talking to what looked like proffesional people and country singers. I was glad for him, but I also thought about how much busier he would be and how many more people would come into his life, how many girls would like him....I shook it off my brain and stepped over back to Chrissy. The night dragged on slowly to 1 am. Most people had left but Luke Carter and some guys were drinking beer and laughing outside. Chrissy stayed with me inside and we talked but I was too distracted with what I was thinking that I couldn't concentrate. I was thinking about his business, our kids, us. I watched him laugh outside. He turned to me and smiled at me, say bye to his buddies, and came inside.

"Babe you ready to go?" He asked grabbing my hands and pulling me to my feet.

"Yep. You needa ride Chris?"

"I'm gonna stay at Desiree's tonight (Derek's mom). She has Nathan and I know y'all are married." She winked and walked out to her truck. When we got in Luke's truck I crossed my arms and sat in silence.

"What's wrong darlin?" He asked rubbing my shoulder with one hand and one hand driving.

"Well Luke is this how it's gonna be? Parties till 1 am talking with a bunch of people you don't even know."

"Darlin I'm sorry I didn't know it was going to be like that. It's all just new to us, we'll be fine." He talked to me about everyone he talked to at the party the rest of the way home. When we walked in the door he embraced me.

"Why don't we double our chances." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"This is for the baby not you."

"Yay!" He exclaimed and ran upstairs. I laughed and followed slowly behind him.

-------------(one week later)------------

"Well this is it." I smiled squeezing his hand as the five minute timer on my phone went off. I gave Luke a kiss and put my hand on the doorknob and walked in. I picked up the pregnancy test with my eyes closed, and when I opened them I saw the rest of my life in one little stick,

A positive sign.

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