Chapter 25

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141 left    Saturday, December 26. Merry late Christmas mothertruckers.

What if I never see them again? My mum is already all packed up and her stuff is in the car to be ready for when we do have to get onto the roa which is in about... I check the time on my phone

13:30   Sat, Dec 26

In about 25 minutes I'll be in a car driving to a different life. A different life that is away from my home, away from my friends, my school, my boyfriend. Oh God, the last time I saw him was at the holiday party when they were all told I was moving. What if that's the last time I ever see him again? What if he is mad at me for leaving and doesn't ever want to talk to me again? I stress out as I begin to think about very unreal things.

As I fidget and worry, I realize that I'm having a panic attack. I try to calm down but me taking deep breaths just causes me to hyperventilate. I fall to my knees with lack of strenght. As I struggle to breathe and I cry, I try to calm myself down. What was it that Wilbur told me always calmed him down during panic attacks? Oh, right.

Five things I can see. Well, I can see my own hands, my posters, my bed, my desk, and my phone laying besides me turned over.

Four things I can feel. Pain, all I can feel is sharp pains stabbing throughout my body as I continue crying.

This is useless.

I hear footsteps coming towards my doorway. I look up through my tear-ridden eyes to see my stepfather looking down at my disheveled form very angrily. "Great, what's wrong with you now?" He asks gruffly.

I just start to sob more as I start to lose my vision. As I lose my breathe, I get lightheaded until I pass out on the floor in front of Lucifer.


I wake up in a hospital bed. Waking up in a hospital has happened one to many times for my liking. I see my mother and stepfather waiting outside the room through the little dorr window. They look like they're yelling at each other. I tune everything else out to figure out what they're fighting about.

"...fainted into front of your very eyes and you did nothing but leave him there!" I heard my mother shout at him.

"So? If that little pitiful son of a b-" He starts before being cut off by my mum.

"Finish that sentence and you'll be moving to Georgia by yourself and you'll never see me again." She threatens.

"Is that suppose to scare me? You actually think I care for you? I just was dealing with you two idiots because you did any and everything for me." He states as my mum turns red from anger.

"And you know what? I hit the little bastard and you didn't even know. How's that for good parenting, eh?" He finishes before my mother shoves him into the door. It rattles on it's hinges.

"Go before I beat your sorry, ugly, annoying, idiotic ass." She scolds. He just scoffs and walks away from my view. She sighs and looks into the room at me through the same window I was looking at her through. We make eye-contact before I quickly avoid her glare as I stare at random objects in the room.

She walked into the room. "I assume you heard that?" I nod. She sighs again. "Well then, I guess we're not moving to Georgia after all."

I look excitedly at her. The whole reason this happen was because of the move. I won't have to say goodbye anymore. I'll get to have my life resume normality.

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