Chapter 7

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The guards dragged him down the hallway. There were no rooms in the corridor but he scanned all the walls looking for a place Luna could be.
"Where did you take her?" He asked the guard to his right.
"Don't worry about it kid."
"Tell me where she is."
The guard to his left hit him in the stomach with his gun. "No more questions."
He stayed quiet, avoiding another bruise.
They soon came to a small room. The guard on his left stopped and opened the door with a card like Dr. Opille had. They shoved him in the room and locked the door. The only things in the room was a small bed and a wooden desk in the center of the room. Newt walked to the wall and called for Luna, hoping she'd be in a room next to him. There was no reply.
He heard the door open and turned around expecting to see guards or the doctor. But there was a young boy standing in the doorway. He closed the door behind him and sat down at the desk, placing a notepad in front of him. Unlike the other doctors and guards, he looked sad.
"Who are you?" Newt asked.
"My name is Thomas. I'm here to watch you."
The boy just looked up at him."I'm sorry you have to go through this." He seemed so sincere, Newt was shocked. He sat down on the bed and buried his face in his hands. He was so confused and scared.
Thomas got up and sat next to him. "We're only doing this because it could save so many people."
"Where's my friend? Is she okay?"
Thomas nodded. She's in another room. My friend is with her. She's gonna be okay. She just needed to calm down."
"Please Thomas, don't hurt us."
Thomas looked so sad but he only said what Newt didn't want to hear.
"WICKED is good."
Then everything went black.

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