Chapter 3

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"You've got to be bloody kidding me." Newt sighed. He still held onto one of Luna's shoulders. She started heading for the door but he held her back.

"You're bleeding." He said softly. He led her over to one of the beds and used a sheet to dab some of the blood up. Then he ripped a part of it off and wrapped it around her hand.

"Why'd you do that?" He asked her quietly, tying the sheet ends together.

"Guess I just lost my temper." She replied, not looking at him. She looked embarrassed and Newt felt bad. He didn't think it was irrational, what she did. He was just surprised. He wanted to tell her that but no words came out. He just looked at her.

"We better go before any more surprises happen." Luna said. Newt nodded and they stepped out of the room.

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