Chapter 4

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The walls were blank and the floor was solid while tile. There were no lights on so they had to go with the dim fluorescents in the other room lighting a small pathway. But the farther they walked the more it faded. Soon they came to a turn off and the light was lost completely.

The hallway was pitch black. Newt kept his hands along the wall to feel where he was going. He felt Luna's presence next to him and it comforted him. They came to more turn offs but followed the wall trying not to get lost.

Luna spoke softly, "I think I found a light switch." She flipped it on and the hallway lit up.

What the light revealed made Newt's head spin.

There were dozens of people around them, jotting things down or watching them intently with strange goggles and green spacesuits on. There were whiteboards, charts, monitors, and other equipment his brain couldn't place. Women and men chattered softly and compared notes quickly from journals lying open on various coffee tables like this was all part of a normal day.

Two of the men wearing green spacesuits approached Luna. She backed into the wall. One of the men grabbed her by the shoulders and pinned her to the wall, staring into her eyes. Newt became enraged.

"Don't touch her!" He pushed the man off of her. The other spacesuit man grabbed him and shined a light into his eyes, stunning him for a moment.

"He's clear." He mumbled to the other spacesuit man. Unlike Luna and Newt, the guards had different accents. Newt couldn't place it but he knew it was familiar.

"So is this one." He answered.

'This one?'

What was this place?

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