Chapter 26: Regulus & Dimitry get the news

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(Regulus's view)

I sat next to the window with a book in my hand when Dimitry came in holding a letter in his hand and tears of joy in his eyes.

"What's the matter?" I asked, as I set my book aside and walked over to where he stood and put my arm around him in concern.

"Nothing, however, you'll be pleased to know that our dear Luci is the first female seeker of the Slytherin quidditch team." he said, and I clapped my hands over my mouth in shocked amazement as tears began to pour from my own eyes at the news.

"Oh my Merlin! That's my daughter!" I exclaimed before hugging him tightly.

"Did she say when her first match would be?" I asked, as I wiped the tears from my eyes before returning my attention to Dimitry.

"Yes, she says the first match will be tomorrow afternoon at eleven." he said as he handed me the letter to read.

"Hoping you will come, and sending my love to you both, L. A. B." I read before handing it back to him while still beaming with pride at the news.

"We'll go, and then we will treat her to dinner." I said, as I rushed about the house like an excited humming bird.

"Calm down, Reg." Dimitry laughed as he watched me hurrying about with a smile on my face. "Sorry, Sorry, I'm just so excited and proud of her." I said, and he laughed before hugging me tightly.

"How about we surprise her?" he asked, and my eyes lit up at the idea.

"That's perfect!" I exclaimed, as we broke the hug with a grin.

"I can't wait to see the look of surprise on her face." I said, as we began to plan how we were going to surprise Luci at the match. "Neither can I," he said, as he rested a hand on my shoulder.

"you're her father, and it would be rude of us to miss first quidditch match." he said as he messed up my hair playfully.

"You're right, it's time to see her in action." I said as I gave him a playful glare.

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