Chapter One

92 9 4

Isaac Peterson

"I'm sorry sir, but I bid you and your family, guilty. As of you too." He says as he points to Luke and I.

Our families have been framed for murdering 56 people, 16 of them children. We are to be sent for jail. All of us. They said we will be executed tomorrow morning. Our parents have done everything already. They've visited different countries and even visited all seven oceans. They did all they could do for activities. So Luke and I have been thinking. Since we are gonna die anyway, why not try and break out of jail. Yeah we would have to leave our parents behind, but they have done everything. Why sit and die on a couch for the next 20-25 years? Me and Luke each have siblings. They are in foster care now. Me and Luke are adults now. Well I'm turning 18 in a couple days. So they gave us adult charges. The death penalty.

They dismiss the jury one by one and then we get taken in cuffs back to the state penatentary. The way back me and Luke start to talk about ideas. The rest of our families were either crying or screaming, so we could talk about escaping without being heard. We thought some more after we reach our cell. We have 14 hours before execution. We planned something very difficult but very possible. We can't dig out or anything like that 'cause we don't have time. So we planned something I like to call, "the hit and run". When the come and see us just before midnight to make sure we ain't doing anything bad, I'm gonna get the guards attention, causing him to open the cell door and come check on me. Then Luke will jump up and slam his elbow into the back of his head, knocking him out. Then Luke and I will run. By the time we get to the outside, they will notice we're gone. So we will have to crawl through the tall grass away from the prison, and hope they don't spot us. If it works, we will wreak havoc on the rest of the United States.

It's 2 minutes 'till midnight and the guard still hasn't shown. We continue to wait. 12:04 AM. Still not here. Finally at twelve 'o nine he shows up. We get into position. I start to act like I'm carving the wall. By law he is required to stop me. He opens the cell door and walks in. Luke dashes t'wards him. The cop suddenly pulls out a taser. He zaps Luke in the stomach. I though our plan failed right there. I think fast and jump on him from behind. Luke falls to the ground. I strangle him, cutting of his oxygen. He swings his arm back and forth trying to zap me too. I tighten my arms around his neck. The amount of pressure I was applying was causing him unable to move his arms. After about fourth seconds he becomes motionless. He was dead. My life flashes before my eyes. I just killed someone. Luke snaps me out of it. Holding his abdominal he leads me out the door. We start running. We are behind schedule and people are now looking for what once was a squealing officer. We see the doors. We sneak out the doors. There are 2 guards standing just outside. We look at one another and nod. As we swing the doors open we tackle the guards, covering their mouths. I slam a guard into the ground and then crush his head in the door. Luke spins around and roundhouse kicks him in the head. Cracking his skull and killing him instantly. Luke and I both took Martial arts together. With blood all over the porch we jump into the tall grass. As we do the alarms go off. The guards scramble across the courtyard looking for us. We continue moving slowly through the grass. Eventually we make it to the edge of the lawn. We get up and bolt for the woods. We make it into the woods but the snipers saw us enter. .50 Cal sniper rounds fly by our heads as we continue running. We make it further into the forest and decide to climb a tree. We climb to the top of this gorgeous oak tree. We start to here police charging into the forest. We know we are safe until we begin to here dogs. We try and stay silent and start rubbing bark and leaves on our clothes to get rid of our scent. We wait. A dog approaches the tree and starts barking. We stay still. After about 2 minutes the dog stops and walks away. After around 2-3 hours the cops have cleared out and we jump down and start to move through the forest. We did it. We get to the other side of the forest and exit. We exit into a city. We find a hotel and go to our room. We only have what money we had on us. We could only afford a one bed, one bath, hotel room. I go into the bathroom and clean out the wounds on my hands and feet from the tree climbing. The blisters hurt a lot. Luke turns on the TV and changes the channel until it hit the news. There we are, already on the news. I lock the door and push a dresser in front of it, in case some police decide to barge in. I lay on the bed, Luke lays on the other side on his phone. I slowly fall asleep.

The next morning I get up and take a shower, Luke already has. We wash our clothes in the bath tub after. We let them dry out the window. We both sit naked in the hotel room. I get on the hotels computer that was on the desk in the room. I create a fake ID for both of us. I then create us a bank account.

Luke and I are like brothers. We have been friends since we were 4 years old. We know everything about each other. It not even the first time we have been naked in front of each other. That's why we weren't uncomfortable. We've probably seen each other naked over 20 times in our lifetime. We both got the same interests, and style. We both know 6 languages. English, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, German, and French. We know each other more than we know our selfs. We went to the same schools, parties, stores, etc. We are super close.

The clothes finally got done drying and we put them on and decide to exit the hotel, trying to hide our face with our hoods as we walked out the front door. When we exited the building, we stop abruptly. Their were about 5 Police cars, and about 12 Police standing behind the cars aiming their guns at us.

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