Chapter Two

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Luke Jacobo

"Oh shit..." I sigh as the police surround us.

They have pistols and shotguns at ready, aiming at us. One of them moves closer to us than the others, a Sheriff. He clears his throat and speaks. "Hands up, Isaac Peterson and Lucias Jacobo!" He orders.

I hate... and I mean hate it when people call me by that name. I look to Isaac, sense he is smarter and taller than me. More of the older brother figure... even though I'm older than him. He gives me a look telling me to do what the sheriff says. I groan and we put our hands up and get on our knees.

I sigh as police come toward us. Three surround Isaac and two surround me. One of them pulls out handcuffs and gets ready to entangle my hands in them.

I hear a clink and a cuss over at Isaac. He kicks something to me, while police freak out around him. One of them comes my way. "There it is!" The man yells.

I look down and grab the switch blade he had just scooted over to me. I smirk and roll out of the polices' grasp and they turn. I jump onto one of them, at the back. Before they could struggle or attack, I stab the knife blade into thier neck, deep.

I jump off of him as he falls down and charge to another. Isaac flips a guy, kicks another, and punches one more before running my way as I stab my knife into the guy's forehead, a technique I've been ready for ever since I've learned it in Kendo class.

Isaac grabs my arm and pulls me out of the way as a bullet races by. He picks up on of officer's pistols and aim the attacker's way. He pulls the trigger, launching a bullet into the man's forehead.

The police... oddly... freak iut, running around. Me and Isaac take our chance and run down the the street, and disappear in an alleyway.

We run and turn through what seems like as if it were a modern maze. Alleyways turning and corners suprising us through the catacomb.

"Do you think they'll recognize our faces?" I ask him, as we run breathlessly trough the dimmed pathways.

"I don't think they will. They didn't pull up our hoods." Isaac states, calm.

I nod and race beside him. We end up back into the sunlight when we exit the city, into the woods... with only those dead bodies as our trace.

We run through the brush and trees of the forest. We look around, studying our environment as we zoom by. We go through hours of greenery, until we find... um, it's not a dead end... more like a cliff... end.

We stop at the edge of a cliff, leading into a valley. We both fall to the ground, tired. I look over at him, and he looks back at me. We both smirk at eachother, happy we weren't caught. It takes a couple of minutes of regenerating, until Isaac stands up, looking over the cliff.

He looks stunned, wide-eyed. I am curious and look over the edge muself, gasping in shock of... beauty. The sun is in the right spot, displaying the green valley and sparkling lake, along with the roaring waterfall. Falcons fly through the air, soaring in such grace. The sound of Cicadas fill the valley, lightly, causing me to want to fall asleep.

I stand up and put my hand on Isaac's shoulder. "Thank god we are alive." I smirk at him.

He nods and laughs. He stops instantly and looks down to his waist, where... we see his new gun and extra ammo are displayed on his belt.

A real weapon... not a knife. I hope we can trust ourselves with this. Better yet... I'll just leave Isaac with it. He is a way better aim than I am.

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