Chapter Five

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Isaac Peterson

That bastard. What is he thinking. He will be killed. He right though. I need to leave. I get into the car that was parked to the side of the road and Hotwire it. I press down on the gas as A bullet scrapes my shoulder. I speed down the road and skid to a stop about 4 miles away from the Cartel. I get out of the car and walk on foot for about a mile. I get to the top of a sandy dirt hill and lay against a tree. I stare at the base in the distance. A tiny spec. A spec with Luke inside.

I wake up to find some berries on a bush down the hill. I pick some and take the risk of eating poisonous berries. I didn't care if I was dead or not. Luke was probably dead right now and I couldn't do a bloody thing about it. I respect Luke with all my heart. My goal was to protect him. His was to protect me. I failed him. He saved me. If the sand that was being kicked around didn't blind me I wouldn't have gotten taken down. 

Me and Luke were both fond of swords. We believed they were the best weapons ever. We trained together as kids. We took classes and quit them. We didn't want them to teach us. So we developed our own style. We called it the Creptus Technique. Creptus was a world record sword wielder. We always looked up to him. He died by getting shot. After a while I got interested in guns. So did Luke. A couple months went buy and I was a natural with a gun. Luke was really good, but was upset on how he might not catch up to me. Luke was a way better sword wielder than I was. He stuck to swords. I stuck to guns. Time went by and weapon training together was a hobby for us. We started to come up with this formation that would be invincible. I would have the gun and crouch beneath him and he would wield his sword. Steps later we had perfected our technique. Unstoppable we thought. We were 16 when we stopped practicing and started helping our parents. They were killers. It wasn't our parent who murdered 56 people. They only murdered 2. It was Luke and I that had murdered 54 people. 16 of them children. We felt great. Until, we got to prison we thought we couldn't be beaten. We were wrong.

I finish my berry breakfast. I haven't died yet I thought. So I picked more and put them into my knapsack. I start to head to where I had left the car. It was still there but with visitors. 3 men were walking around the car searching for a clue on where i had went. I took out my pistol. 2 bullets left. I then pulled out my sword. I took several deep breathes. This is for you Luke. I hope your okay. 

I charge out and down the hill to the car. They all look up at me and start to yell for backup. I shoot one in the chest whilst sliding over the hood of the car. I duck down behind the car and pop up in time to Shoot another one in the head. The third one pulled out a pistol and fires a single bullet at me. Time suddenly seams to stand still. No bullets left. I think fast and mumble the word. "Creptus" All at once I bring the sword up just in time to slice the bullet in half. The word seemed to have given me power. The power to fight with pure willpower. I shove my blade down the mans throat and back out again. 

I pick up his gun and loot his body. Guns loaded with one bullet missing, and he has 3 mags on him. I get into the car, start it, and drive. I drive towards the Cartel base. Not knowing at all what to do I drive straight through the front gate and drive into the central building. I get out of the car and shoot down a couple guys. I think where would I put a prisoner if I were a Drug Cartel. I run past the cafeteria and run for the door down the hallway. I slam into the door and it doesn't budge. I back up and slam into it again. It still wont budge. With people chasing me I quickly give it one more giant slam it opens just enough to unlock the door. I walk in and see Luke knocked out on the floor. I pick him up and run. I make way for the way I came in. I thought I could get back into the car until a RPG missile flies through the air and into the car. Not only does the car blow up, but so does the whole front of the building. I turn and run the other way shooting down people in my way. I had no fear of what was to happen. I just wanted to kill every single one of these bastards. I continue to run and Luke wakes up.

"Its about time jack ass, I yell. "What the hell was that set up back there for huh?"

"I wanted to protect you," Says Luke. "I couldn't live with myself if I had let you die."

"I understand that but we could've both made it out!"

"No, one of us had to stay. If i had let go of that rope to get through the gate, the gate would've smashed me."

I think about Luke's courageous acts. I continue to run and a bullet hits my left arm. I won't stop running. I ran until they stopped following. I laid Luke down. He was beaten head to toe. What an idiot. Putting himself in danger like that. Then I thought about it deeper. It was me. I was greedy. If I would've just let go of selling the katana. We might not be in this mess. It's because of me. We could be in Canada right now. Away from the United States. No instead we drove the opposite direction. To Mexico, to sell a stupid sword.

"Hey, Isaac," Luke moaned in great pain "Take this money I stole from them."

He pulled out 274000 peso. Thats about 16 grand in US money. He told me to use it for a plane out of here. I agreed with him but how to we get to an airport from the middle of nowhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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